Le meilleur d'Omegle !

29 Août 2009
1 564
You: Hi
Stranger: :)
Stranger: <3
You: I love you &#9829;
you: Je t'aime &#9829;
You: Ich liebe dich &#9829;
Stranger: u indian r wht ?
You: I'm french
Stranger: fuck offfffff...........

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


J.e.s.s.i.c.a;1397948 a dit :
You: Hi
Stranger: :)
Stranger: <3
You: I love you &#9829;
you: Je t'aime &#9829;
You: Ich liebe dich &#9829;
Stranger: u indian r wht ?
You: I'm french
Stranger: fuck offfffff...........

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: HEY
You: ASL ?
Stranger: hi
from india
how are u
You: Your ass :)
You: It's nice here
You: But a bit dark and small

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Je suis un peu concon quand même !
30 Mars 2009
7 423
4 721
4 864
Mmmmh j'suis avec un Hollandais qu'est en train de littéralement démonter les Français. Il dit même qu'on a un vrai problème pour faire du vélo.
Dis que les français sont des handicapés de la vie aussi !
7 Octobre 2005
4 689
J'esseye pour la première fois pour me marrer sur des convos délirantes avec des gens bizarres et je tombe sur une gentille norvégienne de 15 ans qui aime muse et qui est super sympatique!!!

Les gens bizarres, ce sera une autre fois...
1 Juillet 2007
2 656
4 134
You: hi

Stranger: hi

Stranger: I'd like to glue your eyelids shut with my cum

You: you know there's a website who's came chatroulette and where you can see webcam ?

You: i think you should go there

Stranger: yes

You: just for you

Stranger: haha

Stranger: I prefer this

Stranger: you should go there

You: other occupations, except glue eyelids of people you can't see ?

Stranger: you should def go there... typing speed is lacking

Stranger: normally I'm quite nice...

Stranger: I just thought I'd paste that for ten or so people... no pun intended

Stranger: just to see the reaction

You: i think i can say "lol"

You: but it's quite normal

Stranger: I'm confused... it isn't meant to be funny... it is rude and disgusting... it is meant to provoke a reaction... yours is interesting

28 Mars 2006
3 689
Le Havre
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: have any iphone?

You: no sry :sad:

Stranger: thx

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Dois-je m'acheter un iPhone pour qu'on chatte enfin avec moi?

Pire encore:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Je crois que je pue du cul.


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: i believe in päästäinen

You: i love you &#9829;

Stranger: it is you again!

Stranger: i said you before that &#9829;

Stranger: i love you

Stranger: and :)

Stranger: was it you?

You: je t'aime &#9829;

Stranger: i love you too&#9829;

You: what is päästäinen ?

Stranger: a shrew :d

You: ow

Stranger: you know

You: Reverso know it ! I don't speak very well english :sad:

Stranger: reverso is... ?

You: But yes i'm a bad girl

Stranger: from?

You: Reverso is a translator

You: from France

Stranger: oh

You: and you ?

Stranger: oui

Stranger: im from finland

Stranger: is oui yes ?

You: yes

You: J'ai toujours rêvé d'aller en Finlande !

Stranger: why? :d

Stranger: oh whyy

Stranger: tell me tomorrow, i go now :sad: see you in finland!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
J'ai pas eu le temps de lui dire a revoir, je commençais à bien l'aimer.
17 Février 2009
1 624
Les gens sont trop sympathiques sur Omegle, c'est fou ! La preuve :

"You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hey
Stranger: hey
You: where do you come from ?
Stranger: washington
You: oh, me France
Your conversational partner has disconnected."

Edit : J'ai eu l'effet inverse héhé.

"You: France :)
Stranger: ughhh
Stranger: ur so fucking lucky
Stranger: its so shit here
Stranger: i would kill to go there"
24 Octobre 2005
3 293
4 964
C'est toujours rigolo quand on dit qu'on est français:

Y: where are u from?
S: hmm
S: ny
S: how old are youuuu babe
Y: 19
Y: and you?
S: 188888years old
S: give or take a few years
S: 18
Y: haha
S: it wasnt funny
Y: to me it was
Y: i don't understand everything u say
Y: cause i'm french
S: hmm ooh la la
S: ur probably hot
Y: maybe
S: yeahhh
24 Février 2010
4 764
C'est énorme je viens de découvrir ce site et je me suis trop marrée!!!

Mais quelqu'un sait ce que veut dire "t t f n"??

C'est une insulte?? :eh2:

bon en tout cas merci de m'avoir fait découvrir le principe, je plussoie!
24 Février 2010
4 764
oh mon dieu...

Stranger: idiot wancker

You: you are so funny!!

You: was that an insult????

Stranger: nope

Stranger: its the reality

You: and you really like the word "wank" don't you????!!!!

Stranger: yep

Stranger: and you are a teenager that have spots on face dont you?


You: omg

You: are you here???

Stranger: yes

Stranger: in your mums room

Stranger: but dont come in

Stranger: she is naked now

You: aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh


You: i knew it!!!

Stranger: nooo

Stranger: we dont really know who your father is

Stranger: it was an orgy

Stranger: you are a formed of a compilation of 12 kind of sperms

You: you mean like a super hero????

You: great!!!

Stranger: thats why you are so ugly

You: ugly betty?

You: you watch it too?

You: we are the same!!

Stranger: no i don't

You: i love you <3

You: will you marry me?

Stranger: now i have to go

You: oh no!

Stranger: your mom is waiting

You: i will miss you so much

You: can i call you daddy?

Stranger: i told you i'm not your daddy

Stranger: probably that african guy was your father

You: can i still call you dad?

Stranger: we told him to wear condom

Stranger: stupid fuck didnt

You: daddy, mum is calling you!

You: go get her, tiger!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

vous noterez le petit côté raciste à la fin!

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