Let's speak English !



LOL :d

I knooooow what it's beautiful and what is not, =)
Look at him (but..On this picture, he's just wearing too much make up..:confused: :P )

(Ps, faut me dire si je fais des fautes hein, j'en suis qu'à ma deuxieme année d'anglais):o
7 Janvier 2006
3 799
Challes Les Eaux
Copenhague a dit :
My teacher thinks that Hugh Grant is exactly the kind of boy who speak what we call the Queen's english, that is to say he always speak with a perfect pronounciation and a very polite way, usually (exept when he wants to speak french on Canal + ...). I do think that it is a pleasant way to have visual pleasure in making something useful ;)

My crazy english teacher is totally mad of him! (she takes advantage of english courses to project movies where he plays in : 4 weddings and a funeral was the last one)

Talking about accents, which one do you like better, english or american accent ? (that reminds me of a typical personnel anecdote which is revealing about American/English's confrontation concerning accents : a friend's amercian penpal and an other friend's.. english penpal around a table don't get on well when they start to debate on the way to pronounce "tomatoes" or "bottle" ;) Quite interesting conversation ^^) As far as I'm concerned I really appreciate american accent's expressions ands sounds.

(I'd really grateful to -nearly- bilingual -yes yes!- Mademoizelle for correcting my possible mistakes :))


I'm not very sure to always be able to make a difference between american and british accent, but usually I'd say I prefer british accent.
And very strange accents, such as scottish or texan accents, makes me laugh a lot.
And my teacher who said Hugh rant speaks so well is a man :cool:


Cinq-étoiles a dit :
Hugh Grant is so high :P Just as Clive Owen.

I realise that my english is worse than ever since I'm at the university. I'm not sure that my sentences are right.
My english is far from perfection but yours seems to be very correct !
26 Novembre 2005
4 788
3 909
Okayyy, Felouse thanks.
And Rata, the only thing that is so so degeucrade on this picture, is the make up. But you can imagine that without, he's a very sexy boy.
Don't be silly :P!
28 Septembre 2006
1 030
4 934
I prefer watching film whose actors don't have a perfect accent than a movie with Hugh Grant. I hate him and I also think he is ugly!!

I think that if we see some falses, it must be good to correct them to help the other girls to improve their english.
7 Janvier 2006
3 799
Challes Les Eaux
Ratatouille a dit :
Oh, and concerning the subject of the accent (-_-), I have the feeling that I'm listening to a duck when I hear American people talking. :confused:

Yeah, sometimes it can sound strange, especially when you are used to hearing english accent (I remember a group of english teenagers I met when I went to England, who imitated young americans talking.. so funny. And I admit that their imitation was similar to a duck ^^)
2 Octobre 2005
5 760
5 224
Hugh Grant...So sweet in Nothing Hill.
But my preference goes to Ewan Mc Gregor. He seems so nice. I think he must be a good friend.

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