Let's speak English !

7 Janvier 2006
3 799
Challes Les Eaux
As for me, I would say that him
is what we can call a charismatic actor, isn't he?
2 Octobre 2005
5 760
5 224
I totally agree with you TildaMath. Once, I was with my boyfriend and I saw Gaspard Ulliel on a pictures at the cinema, and I told my boyfriend that Gaspard was cute.
In Jacquou Le croquant...waouh.
26 Novembre 2005
4 788
3 909
Ratatouille a dit :
Nonononono (obliously, it has to be pronounciated in a Sophie Petoncule's way)
Ohhh Sophie Petoncule (I didn't see that part of your message!). I really appreciate her and the Robins des Bois too.
"Don't look at my ass. Ass is personal... You can touch my chest if you want" :d. And I love the way she says "Nonononono", so funny!
We have the same references (Gath too). Do you know mister Merdocu?
7 Janvier 2006
3 799
Challes Les Eaux
lisa-loup a dit :
I totally agree with you TildaMath. Once, I was with my boyfriend and I saw Gaspard Ulliel on a pictures at the cinema, and I told my boyfriend that Gaspard was cute.
In Jacquou Le croquant...waouh.

And you didn't see him in Hannibal Lecter (not a good film actually, but HIM.. as a won-der-ful dark psychopath, let me say like you : waouh :eek: )
22 Mars 2007
2 984
Hello! My english is verry bad and I don't understand because I'm lost in english... I like speak english because je dis nimporte quoi and personne me comprend :d


19 Avril 2006
3 495
4 924
Ratatouille a dit :
Oh, and concerning the subject of the accent (-_-), I have the feeling that I'm listening to a duck when I hear American people talking. :confused:

defenitively sooooo true !

actually, there's not only ONE american "accent" but a lot ! and some of them are really ... awful !!! Yuk !

"New York's touch" is pretty easy to understand (or maybe, I'm just used to it, he he ! :d ). And one of my colleague (at my previous job) was from New Zealand, and for me, it was great, easy to understand, no woyowyo ("ducky style") like my american colleague (she was a bitch - the american one, not the new zealander one), so if I had to choose, I'll vote for New Zealander accent !


19 Avril 2006
3 495
4 924
Felouse a dit :
He's an actor who starts (?) in Desperate housewife, THE SEXY GARDENER !! :P

I HAD TO watch Desperate Housewife in english - and any other movie and stuff too, by the way -cuz I'm not allowed to watch anything dubbed in french... Forbidden by Mister Boyfriend :d
So most of the time, it's : movies in english with dutch subtitles... great ! I can tell you I have pain in my ... head ! :P

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