Right this second



@ShinyPony Good luck ! :supermad:

@Iscariot It's a good idea !!! :clap: (is it in English ?)


diantre;4730954 a dit :
Oh my god, you're kinda like me :boire:

Everyone thinks I'm crazy because I can't stand wearing jewellery. I have no idea why, but to me it always felt awkward and uncomfortable, also : I just don't understand the concept of it :shifty: . I remember when I was a teen my mother always nagged at me as to "why I never wear any jewerly", and I've told her that it's because I'm not a damn christmas tree, I don't need to be decorated. :cretin:

She laughed at me and called me a weirdo. Everyone thinks I'm really weird about jewellery... and well, they're probably right :yawn:
You make me laugh with the story of the christmas tree :yawn:

I understand for the necklaces... but earrings ? :puppyeyes:


diantre;4730976 a dit :
Yep even earrings, I can't stand them on me. And the thing is I'm pierced (my sadistic mother got them done when I was 3).

I have 2 useless holes on my body.

(Well actually, maybe 3... if you count my vagina, since the last time I got laid was like a century ago :yawn:

EDIT : @shinypony you know what ? I love Jennifer Lawrence so much, I don't care even she's making fun of me on that gif, I still love her (cause this women is just perfection  <3 ;)
You're mother is the evil ! ;)
(ok so that's be one useless hole for me :yawn: and both of my earrings holes are used...)


diantre;4730994 a dit :
Oh and btw, I have no problem with jewellery in general. It's jewellery on me that I hate.

I have nothing against people wearing it, I hope I was not mesunderstood on that :shifty: . (I mean I perfectly aware of being the weirdo, and it's ok :lunette:)
Oh no I don't understand that at all ! I'm so vexed right now ! I don't want to talk to you ever again

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I did what you tell me and...
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This is what I found... Coincidence ? I don't think so

EDIT: this gif scares me... look at his head it doesn't moove (it's look like a scary movie)


@Diantre  I do think that your christmas tree joke is funny and I took the gif literally. But I also enjoy listening to lame jokes.
Bring it on, I am not afraid.


@Diantre :lol:
Do you remember that article about 30 Rock ? There was a gif with this absolutely brilliant reply : "I don't mean it, I nice it." :worthy:


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:jv: (you're probably already gone but good luck anyway ! You're going to rock girl :supermad:)

@Diantre @Tom Chaton I love lame jocks ! I'm going to search for some other and spend my day reading you :ordi:


I don't know why but this one make my laugh so bad...:yawn:
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