Right this second

3 Avril 2012
2 909
5 118
4 384
I love to go to my little movie theater on sunday night but the movie I wanted to see was at 2pm :sad:
31 Décembre 2013
1 740
6 091
4 184
OMG I'm so happy to find a topic where i can speak in english
Why i didn't find it earlier ?


Just to think about all this time i loose...

Kitty Cat

Better to light a flamethrower than curse the dark
4 Septembre 2014
7 349
70 323
5 634
Right this second I've just discovered this topic.
I'll can improve my English ! :supermad:
  • Big up !
Réactions : Amerin
3 Avril 2012
2 909
5 118
4 384
Please topic, if you're as magical as the original one, can you make me accepted for an Erasmus program? :pray:
It will be the best thing that will happen to me next year and I will love you cute topic :fleur:
11 Octobre 2014
Hi everyone!

Soooo I wrote a cover letter for an internship and I'm looking for someone (or several people, the more the merrier :lol:) who would be ok to read it and tells me what's wrong. It's not really long (one page) and any help would be greatly appreciated since English is not my mother tongue...Thank you in advance :worthy:

Hi ! I am not a native speaker but I can take a look at your letter if you want :fleur:
  • Big up !
Réactions : Sophroniska
3 Avril 2012
2 909
5 118
4 384
I'm always tired because I can't sleep soon enough, I can't wait for holidays ..
Well the next two weeks will be pretty relaxing already :shifty:
29 Juillet 2014
1 647
3 858
3 184
Hey gals!
Just found this Reddit thread, and it made me laugh sooooo much! :lol: Especially this question, which I admit is so true. I experienced it myself when I spent my Erasmus year in Manchester and then worked in Shropshire (yes, where the hell is Shopshire?! :dunno:). Accents are very different and it's really disturbing, for me the worst one is the Scouse accent (from Liverpool). I literally did not understand a single word of what they said. :sweatdrop:

@IseriaQueen27 Maybe you should ask our Belgian friends/neighbours, maybe in the Belgian forum?
  • Big up !
Réactions : Tubbs

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