Right this second

@Catatonic Sex Toy We're stuck in Paris 'till I finish transitioning, mostly.

I have two nationalities, so technically I could move there any time I wanted wiith nothing else than a bag full of clothes, but it wouldn't be very wise. I did that once, though, and almost managed to settle in Atlanta, which would have been awesome :d unfortunately it didn't work out but I'm still fond of the place.

What's likely to happen is that we wait 'till I recover and get all the papers in order, and I'll try to find a job somewhere beforehand (anything would work as long as I can get an okay place and a car with it) (so yeah anything but minimum wage, although minimum wage is becoming liveable wage in blue states) and then I'll move, and my significant other will follow once I have settled up something.

I don't really know how to proceed, to be honest. I know how to move with nothing else than clothes in a bag :shifty: but that involves a level of precarity and risk I just can't accept anymore.
I currently work night shifts, yes. I'm a baker, I make bread :happy:

Since I was 18 I have never lived in the same place for more than two years - except now, where me and my SO have been living here for two years and three months by now. I'd really like to settle down somewhere (and that would be in the States because I'm homesick :shifty: ).

I find it to be far different a culture than what people imagine. It's really not the same as Europe, both in terms of landscape, urbanism, mentality and values. It's not the same culture and the history that shaped it is very unique as well. I tend to warn people about that too (and I'm scared that my SO will ultimately not like living there) - for example, there is no paid leave in the States (though we are starting to get what vaguely looks like social security). But after that, I do agree that you find both the worst and the best - everything is always so much more intense there. I like it far better, but for me it's home, so I'm not a very objective judge about it :shifty: .

About the US has / the US have, I think both are right. The United States of America is the name of the country and is therefore singular, but it can also litteraly means that you're talking about the states that form the union, in which case it would be plural. The distinction is largely irrelevant now (states are not really like tiny countries joined in a federal union anymore) but it used to be politically charged in earlier times (the shift from plural to singular started after the civil war over slavery, iirc). I tend to say "the US have" but that's because I really like regional ( and state) identities. (I actually wanted my nickname to be something related to Georgia or Atlanta when I joined the forum.)
13 Juillet 2011
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5 694
@Aunbrey. : I have the same feeling about Berlin. It feels like I can never be happy unless I go back there. And I feel really stupid just saying that. :lol: But yeah, there's this little something I can't get anywhere else. Even though I'm quite content with my life right now (wow, that didn't happen in a while), there's something missing.
And London does seem to be a wonderful city, despite all its inconvenients (it's... pricey). I have long dreamt to live there, but I only got to spent a few days there as a tourist.
@Aunbrey @Rosenrot_ I think I get it :shifty: perhaps it ain't the same thing as you, but I'm homesick. Here am I stuck in France and I wish I could go home.

And that doesn't mean I'm unhappy or anything - my life is far better than it once was! - but even if things are going well for me right now, I miss all the little that makes up daily life there. I miss the trees and the skyline, the coffee and pastries, I miss the weather, I miss the smells.
8 Février 2012
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1 864
@Rosenrot_ @AprilMayJune : That's the thing. It's not that I'm unhappy at the moment but I'm not happy either. I'm just in some sort of in-between where I'm trying to get things right and settle so I can be happy but at this precise moment, I am not. And that makes it even worse because everything great that happened while I was there keeps coming back. I am fully aware that when I was in London, I was very lucky because there were lots of things I didn't have to worry about (such as paying rent or food) and if one day I have the chance to go back and live there, the circumstances of my going will be entirely different and I would definitely have to worry about such things (because, indeed, everything is super expensive) but I can't help it, I miss it so much. London is the perfect city for someone like me.
And it's so ridiculous because I'm supposed to be living a super-duper adventure right now but I am not and all I can think about is how much I miss London, how great it was, how easy it is to feel at home there. And I feel like an idiot not to be able to enjoy the present because I always think of the past.
I was rewatching Sherlock recently and the streets, the landmarks, the names, I know them. I know where they are, I know what they really look like, I saw that for real and I miss everything.

Something. Something missing. That's exactly it.
Well, @Rosenrot_ some day, I'll take you to London, to really feel London, and I would gladly have you showing me Berlin because I've never been there (yet).

I think it is the same thing as us, @AprilMayJune, because I consider London as my home even if I only spent a year there. I felt good there, I felt alive (really alive, I mean) and it's all the little things that I miss the most. I hope for you you'll be able to go home soon.

24 Juillet 2009
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3 072
4 974
Just checkin' flights to go back to France for Christmas...and closing the window at the sight of the prices ! What the hell ! I will stay in the UK for Christmas if it's like this, me, my hot bottle and my Christmas pudding jumper by the chimney of my flat
  • Big up !
Réactions : Rosenrot_ et Aunbrey.
8 Février 2012
2 104
2 115
1 864
@Rosenrot_ : Indeed, I was :) Best year of my life, really ~

Those apple roses look so yummy. I'm hungry now, ngh :bave:

@Alphonse : I remember paying double (compared to the other trips I did) for my Christmas trip back to France and I only had a hand luggage. And I took my plane tickets in October as well. Which company do you wish to fly with?
  • Big up !
Réactions : Rosenrot_


Je suis faillible, mais je suis capable.
18 Août 2010
16 457
91 573
7 169
So I've left the American territory about 24 hours ago and I'm sad as can be :tears: I'm not gonna lie, I'm already planning on going back asap :cretin: And I feel so frustrated cause like now all I'm hearing is French every fucking where - no shit really I'm back home, no wonder Captain Obvious :yawn: - and I don't want to lose that American English I now have kinda in my ears - does it make any sense to you if I put it that way? :hesite:
Oh NYC you're gonna miss me so much I'll be right back :cretin: (actually that's how much I'm gonna miss the city, rather)(I'm so sorry guys it's late, I'm tired and completely jetlagged, don't pay too much attention to what I'm saying)(cuz it feels like drunk texting right now really)

(shut up Téra seriously :ninja: )

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