Right this second

I did it! Finally! I updated my voting registration in Oregon. I will now receive all my voting information (and voting ballots) by mail (in Oregon, you vote by mail) here where I live, instead of middle-of-nowhere, southern Oregon coast, where my friend lives.

It means I won't have to do a seven hours round trip to vote. That's good. :lunette:

Me voting in the national elections isn't terribly important (my state predictably votes democratic - Clinton! - since the dawn of time or something (okay, since the 80s at the very least) (since I was born, then - but time before I was born is like mythological time or whatever) and my vote isn't likely to change anything to that, not even give Clinton a tiny boost or so) (that's the US voting system for you) but still, it feels good to participate somehow. Also, I can vote in local elections stuff now, which is a lot more important.

So yay!

Now on to the thousand or more phone calls I have to do. :alloquoi: I kinda hate phone calls.
So, an update! I am officially voting, like, right now! (well I am doing the comfortable part where you can fill in the ballot at home) (like, tomorrow I will have to bring this to city hall's election dropsite, or another one of those glorified mailboxes spread out across town) (in Oregon you get your ballot through the mail, and you have like a few weeks to fill it in and give it back at one of the defined places). It's pretty interesting, there's a flurry of local and statewide elections to vote on along with the presidential election. So here am I in my couch, sipping tea, lazily reading about the issues I have to vote on, feeling like a good citizen.
13 Juillet 2011
2 954
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@Croquemitaine : I say take a deep breath and fill in that application form! :supermad:
Anything holding you back beside your own fears? If not, it's time to punch those fears in the face, I swear that's something you'll be proud of.
  • Big up !
Réactions : Croquemitaine
I second-third-fourth-number everyone else @Croquemitaine Go ahead and do it :supermad:

Also, happy Thanksgiving everyone! Pineapple and I we're in a little city along the coast, and we're going to make (and eat) lots and lots of food. Black Bean "meat"loaf! Veggie casserole! Potato waffles! Mushroom gravy! Pumpkin pie! And whatever else we want! It's gonna be awesome! And we're gonna take pictures too!
Look what I found :puppyeyes:

A bunch of illustrated poems, about cats, by T S Eliot !


It's adorable.
8 Septembre 2014
5 371
25 671
2 784
Hi there :red:
I was wondering : does anyone know a website where I can find translation exercice english to french ? :hesite: I've find one, but now I'm done and I don't know where to go. I'll have to translate a newspaper article.
13 Juillet 2011
2 954
20 900
5 694
@Rivendell I'm not sure there's really such a thing as "translation exercises" you could find online since there's no such thing as a unique correct translation for a text, but why not pick any article and try and translate it? That's what I used to do. If you need feedback, I'm afraid you'll need a teacher. ;)
8 Septembre 2014
5 371
25 671
2 784
@Rosenrot_ that's the point, I can translate articles but without feedback or a a translation I can work with, there is no point for me. And I can't have a teacher.

Ada or ardor

Get out my hay
6 Septembre 2010
4 406
29 990
5 894
@Rivendell : Maybe you could find a penpal, or do an exchange with someone interested by learning french ? (you can find people on italki or on some facebook group)
  • Big up !
Réactions : Kytic

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