Right this second

21 Septembre 2009
10 124
11 218
8 544
william-shakespeare;4720376 a dit :
@Hawley   : Have you (and Fab) ever thought about expandig the magazine to English speaking countries?
I think I've never seen an English counterpart to Madmoizelle, and it would probably have a great echo elsewhere and help other young girls.
You could translate the best articles and give it a try, maybe?
I'd be willing to give you a hand!

Not that I know of, but we're adding subtitles in English to our videos ! If you're willing to help, that's right here :)
12 Janvier 2014
1 038
1 082
diantre;4720986 a dit :
Ok first participation in this topic (Hey y'all :flappie: )

@Matie , don't apologise for expressing how you feel, it's ok love, everyone has felt or is feeling the way you do right know. I don't know you, but i wish i could confort you with a hug (well "cuddling with you in your bed" would be incredibly awkward since we're strangers, so let's go for a hug :cretin:).

I know it's a virtual one but hey, i mean it.


I hope you'll feel better soon.

You don't know how your message is comforting, especially as it sounds so british. ("It's okay love" made me wipe a tear or two).
Thank you for sharing a bit of your kindness, that's really thoughtful of you ?

Awww, you know, welsh people warmness got me more than once this year, so cuddling with a total stranger wouldn't me the most awkward thing in my opinion :cretin:

I'm feeling a bit better since I read your answer, massive thanks bubble ! ? :tears:


I spent part of the afternoon and the evening with my boyfriend, it was fun. I tried to bake a strawberry pie, but I had the wrong dough and I put self-made salted butter caramel instead of the custard. Needless to say it ended up tasting really weird :shifty:

Just before he left, we talked about sea animals. He told me he used to dive with his mother when he was a child, and that they picked up octopuses. He played with them on the beach and they would spit ink and grab at him to attempt to defend themselves.
Apparently, it can be dangerous to reach for them under water, as they can grasp your hand while keeping a tight grip on a rock. That's why they used wood sticks to make sure that they could transport them safely.

It's so cool when he shares some of his knowledge about wildlife with me :cretin:
30 Août 2011
1 118
4 824
@matie I am in erasmus and I leave at the end of this month, so I get what you’re feeling about Cardiff :sad:


Put the alarm at 8am, fall back asleep, wake up at 12am : check :stare:
13 Juillet 2011
2 954
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5 694
Hello everyone !


@Matie : Hey, you never know, you might not be leaving forever! :hugs:


I realised I'm not completely at ease when it comes to speaking in english. I'm always surrounded by english language as I read in english, watch american and brit series, listen to english radio, attend to english courses... Yet I'm seldom made to speak in english, and I don't have any (close) English native speaker friend, so I'm lacking english-speaking practise, which is a shame considering I'm supposed to teach english quite soon and I'll have to undergo the oral parts of my exams in a month. I'm really not bad but I'm definitely not fluent either.

So I guess I'll have to find a speedy way to find a conversation exchange partner. The good thing is there are a few assistants in my university, so I'll try that first.
Are there some Parisians here who have found a cool and cheap way to meet up with english speakers?
13 Juillet 2011
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@Shield : I made a really good friend from New-Zealand on OkCupid and if I weren't so shy and self-conscious, I could talk to him on Skype rather than chat. So if you don't hate webcams as much as I do, you could perhaps find a "penpal" there and talk via Skype?
Or maybe you'd find a native English speaker who lives in Paris?
(But I'd say finding an language assistant at your uni is easier. Maybe there is even an English club or something?)
Dernière édition :


rosenrot_;4721426 a dit :
@Shield : I made a really good friend from New-Zealand on OkCupid and if I weren't so shy and self-conscious, I could take to him on Skype rather than chat. So if you don't hate webcams as much as I do, you could perhaps find a "penpal" there and talk via Skype?
Or maybe you'd find a native English speaker who lives in Paris?
(But I'd say finding an language assistant at your uni is easier. Maybe there is even an English club or something?)

Thanks a lot for your suggestions!

I'm not that sure about okcupid - each time I tried making friends there, I've been disappointed as the other people wanted to date -, although I keep it in mind as an option, thanks :fleur:
(Actually, the more I think about it, the more I reckon it can't hurt!)

I've just suscribed to a Parisian English club called "Franglish" which organises meet-ups at least once a week (you speak 7 minutes in english/7 minutes in french and then you switch partners, it can be a cool way to make friends as well).

Well, my uni is devoted to english postgrad studies, so everything revolves around english (mostly english literature/linguistics/civilisation research). That's why it's easy to find language assistants :P The thing is, I had a really weird schedule and I've not taken full advantage of it. I think I'll try to sneak in some of those assistants' classes this week. Well, in between mock oral exams and revisions obviously!

Ce contenu est réservé aux membres inscrit.es. Inscris-toi par ici.
13 Juillet 2011
2 954
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5 694
@Shield : What an asshole! :oo:
I know how that kind of remark can stick with you and break your confidence to pieces, but you know better. You studied English for years, you seem very passionate about it, you spent a long time in an English-speaking country. Hell, I bet you are a lot more "fluent" than you think! :supermad:
(For what it's worth, whenever I read your posts in my head, I do with an English accent because it seems so natural. Your English feels very natural!)

Here, have a kitten :

Dernière édition :
18 Septembre 2011
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2 144
If any of you know of a nice way to meet native English speakers in and around Paris, I'm listening! I've subscribed to a few Facebook groups for meet ups and conversation groups and cafés and stuff, but I haven't found the time/courage to go there yet!

I'm just back from a walk along the river and I almost threw my Ipod in the water. Luckily, it landed in an old plastic cup just sitting there, inches from the water. I can't believe my luck! And to say right before it happened, I was  listening to The Pointer Sisters and almost singing along in excitement...


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