Club de Lecture Viens lire en anglais - Décembre - The Invisible Library

28 Janvier 2014
1 295
5 438
2 904
Bonjour à tou-te-s ! Le livre de ce moi-ci a été choisi.

Nous lirons donc The Invisible Library de Genevieve Cogman.
Lisez quand vous voulez et sur le support que vous voulez, et venez commenter comme vous voulez !

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Ci-dessous, les résultats complets.

Les livres qualifiés d'office pour le mois prochains :

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Ce contenu est réservé aux membres Inscris-toi par ici.

Ce contenu est réservé aux membres Inscris-toi par ici.
Dernière édition :
  • Big up !
Réactions : Astrobulle
19 Mai 2015
1 319
6 765
2 064
Bonjour à tou.te.s et merci @Solène. pour l'ouverture du sujet !

Je vous propose de lire Player One d'Ernest Cline, dont voici le résumé :

It's the year 2044, and the real world has become an ugly place. We're out of oil. We've wrecked the climate. Famine, poverty, and disease are widespread.

Like most of humanity, Wade Watts escapes this depressing reality by spending his waking hours jacked into the OASIS, a sprawling virtual utopia where you can be anything you want to be, where you can live and play and fall in love on any of ten thousand planets. And like most of humanity, Wade is obsessed by the ultimate lottery ticket that lies concealed within this alternate reality: OASIS founder James Halliday, who dies with no heir, has promised that control of the OASIS - and his massive fortune - will go to the person who can solve the riddles he has left scattered throughout his creation.

For years, millions have struggled fruitlessly to attain this prize, knowing only that the riddles are based in the culture of the late twentieth century. And then Wade stumbles onto the key to the first puzzle.

Suddenly, he finds himself pitted against thousands of competitors in a desperate race to claim the ultimate prize, a chase that soon takes on terrifying real-world dimensions - and that will leave both Wade and his world profoundly changed.

Ce livre m'a été recommandé par plusieurs personnes, a obtenu pas mal de prix et semble bien parti pour devenir culte. Une adaptation au cinéma est prévue par Spielberg en 2018.
28 Août 2013
5 728
5 074
Je vous propose une lecture de saison avec A Christmas Carol de Charles Dickens, livre ultra classique de Noël
A Christmas Carol tells the story of a bitter old miser named Ebenezer Scrooge and his transformation into a gentler, kindlier man after visitations by the ghost of his former business partner Jacob Marley and the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come.
  • Big up !
Réactions : Astrobulle et Morpheme
28 Janvier 2014
1 295
5 438
2 904
Ma proposition : Under Heaven de Guy Gavriel Kay.
Résumé :
Kay tells a story of honor and power, this time in a setting that evokes the dazzling Tang Dynasty of eighth-century China.
It begins simply. Shen Tai, son of an illustrious general serving the Emperor of Kitai, has spent two years honoring the memory of his late father by burying the bones of the dead from both armies at the site of one of his father's last great battles. In recognition of his labors and his filial piety, an unlikely source has sent him a dangerous gift: 250 Sardian horses.
You give a man one of the famed Sardian horses to reward him greatly. You give him four or five to exalt him above his fellows, propel him towards rank, and earn him jealousy, possibly mortal jealousy. Two hundred and fifty is an unthinkable gift, a gift to overwhelm an emperor.
Wisely, the gift comes with the stipulation that Tai must claim the horses in person. Otherwise he would probably be dead already...
Je propose ce livre parce que j'ai lu Les Lions d'Al-Rassan de cet auteur, un autre livre de fantasy historique (cadre historique, personnages inventés, très peu ou pas de magie) et que je l'avais adoré.
La critique sur Elbakin (site spécialisé dans la fantasy) est excellente (9/10).

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