Right this second

1 Mai 2015
2 905
@Eolch Oh don't worry miss, mine was AWFUL. I was really bad in high school I learnt by mysef with tv show and reading a lot. The accent will come the day you get fully into english mode. It's like a pokemon evolving. (yes it is)

@Tératogène I started with a french/american accent who got me quite the attention, I can't remember the number of people who asked for my phone because my accent was cute (i think the lady at Statford makes me blush she was bloody blunt and her coworker tried so hard to get me to agree to a date — embarassing as hell) But YES; I DOOOOO. My friends wanted me to get ride of any american accent I had left aha
and gosh, yes i'm so flirty and confident in english but in french? nope nope nope


Je suis faillible, mais je suis capable.
18 Août 2010
16 457
91 573
7 169
@Eolch @Echo. yup, those are mistakes people often make when they're not exactly at ease with foreign languages. The best advice I can give you is to stop trying to write down exactly as you do in French and start thinking in English instead before writing. It requires to get the inner logical construction of the language, but the more you hear/read in English, the more structures come to you naturally :happy:


Je suis faillible, mais je suis capable.
18 Août 2010
16 457
91 573
7 169
@CalamithyJane you've just mentioned yourself :yawn: :yawn:
Yes it is. I can totally fall for anyone speaks me sweet nothing with this accent.
But anyway, I have a kink with the English language itself. My ex wasn't even a native speaker at all but the mere fact that we were talking in English together doubled the fun - and turned me on :shifty: And she had a cute accent.


Je suis faillible, mais je suis capable.
18 Août 2010
16 457
91 573
7 169
@CalamithyJane You're damn right. But English language is on top for me :cretin:
I guess I'd have much trouble being with someone who doesn't speak English at all :hesite: I'd be like cut off and constrained :tears:
Damn, I just realized I had like everything I love in someone with my ex and that it will be really, really hard to have it back with someone else :facepalm: :goth:
1 Mai 2015
2 905
@Echo. i started reading ton of fanfictions then i moved to regular books ; much easier this way
@Tératogène Ohhhh *hugs you* Look on the bright side, when you do find this person — and you will — that will be a new level of amazing. Everything you had wasn't perfect if you're not still together, whatever the reason was. Next time will be different, but surely you can find a good different !


Je suis faillible, mais je suis capable.
18 Août 2010
16 457
91 573
7 169
@CalamithyJane it definitely wasn't perfect cause, at the end, we weren't meant to stay together for various reasons I won't explain here. But there were so many aspects in our relationship I've always dreamt of that it was damn hard to accept to let it go. See?
You're adorable :hugs: I hope you're right. I'm always looking back rather than seeing further, which I should.

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