Right this second

8 Février 2012
2 104
2 115
1 864
My mum was so happy about the flowers i bought for her so I was as well really happy so it was happiness everywhere :yawn: I had them delivered on Saturday because they do not deliver on Sunday but still, the flowers were really nice and it's a change. I usually buy jewellery but since this time I could not be with her on Mother Day and I wanted something a bit original, flowers seemed like a good idea.

Anyway, she was happy, that's the most important!

And I definitely do not want to work tomorrow :stare:
13 Juillet 2011
2 954
20 900
5 694
@The Dean : Alright, I guess it's pretty safe, then. :cretin: Did it work well?
And now I googled it, I see many white girls doing it. :hesite: And they use a LOT of curcuma. :oo: So I guess it doesn't stain if you don't leave it for too long... Oh, and it can be used with henna! Now, that's interesting!

Ada or ardor

Get out my hay
6 Septembre 2010
4 406
29 990
5 894
I'm currently learning basic words in portuguese with duolingo, so happy :joy:.
Each word I try to pronounce, I'm lilke "awwww :puppyeyes: hiiii :dowant:" :shifty:.
Pretty normal :shifty:.

Wow : "you are now 1% fluent in portuguese" :lol:.
Dernière édition :
13 Juillet 2011
2 954
20 900
5 694
Ah also, got a grammar question ! :cretin:
Do we say "My boyfriend and me" ? "and I" ? "I/me and my boyfriend" ? What's the correct one ? :happy:
In your sentence "we (My boyfriend and me) found a solution", you wouldn't say "me found a solution" but "I found a solution", so it should be "my boyfriend and I found a solution". That I am 100% sure. I guess mentally removing "my boyfriend" is a good way to find the right pronoun most of the time.
I would also say "my mum would get help from me and my boyfriend" putting "me" first, but I don't know why, or even if it's correct. :dunno: Just sounds better to me.
But in other cases... :hesite: I don't really know the rule(s). I'm pretty sure you would say "My boyfriend and I" if it were a whole sentence (like the title of a picture).
  • Big up !
Réactions : The Dean
1 Avril 2014
1 399
4 824
Oh, an english topic :dowant: !

My name is Lerena, i'm 21 and i'm a librarian. I'm not quite fluent in english, but i'll try my best to not make any mistakes. I learned english by myself for the most part (by watching american, english and swedish youtubers, for example).

Nice to meet you :hello: !
1 Avril 2014
1 399
4 824
Thanks, @The Dean ! I can't listen to your video right now, but i guess it's the same level as Joey in Friends when he speaks French, right XD ?

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