Right this second

7 Juillet 2015
4 046
Hey there! May I join you down here? I definitely need to practice since there's no way I could speak english with anyone this year and if I love to read and listen to english stuffs I want to talk! So I'll write. :cretin: I hope I won't make too much mistakes, I apologizes for those in advance.
Anyway, I'm just panicking like hell right now, i'm supposed to teach a lesson (not sure that's the good expression :hesite:) to people that are almost the same age as I am tomorrow morning... I fell like i'm going to screw everything. :halp:
I have to breath and chill i guess. :sweatdrop:
@Tératogène it's the chat you both had yesterday, the english you used. It gave me the same feeling as when I stumble upon a random discussion in english outside, and I just stop and listen, not because I really care about what they say (I mean no offense! I wasn't part of the discussion is all) but just because I like listening. The english, the way both of you wrote, and outside when I overhear someone the accents, all of it reminds me of home.

So I've read you this morning and I wanted to go home. Your english is wonderful by the way, and so is @Croquemitaine 's.
13 Juillet 2011
2 954
20 900
5 694
I hate myself tonight. I don't know why those body image issues burst out so suddenly now but I do hate my reflection in the mirror tonight.

Okay that's depressing sorry guys.
Mh, excuse me:

1) You're a living goddess.
2) You're also the cutest cutie.

It is known.

@Mousquet : No apologies needed, don't ever be afraid to speak english and make mistakes! Btw, your english is very good. :happy:
But really, no need to apologize, the world won't end if you make mistakes and this is a judgement-free zone!
13 Juillet 2011
2 954
20 900
5 694
Your post reminds me I tried to cook dhal for the first time yesterday and it's LIFE CHANGING. Quite easy, delicious, and I have enough for 4-5 meals, so no need to cook every time. :danse: My eating habits were a disaster lately (a perfect combination of "I can't eat anything because I'm so anxious" and "I can't cook anything anyway because I'm too depressed") and it's helping me a lot to have that kind of quick, easy, and delicious dish. :nomnom:
7 Juillet 2015
4 046
@Tératogène and @Rosenrot_ Thank you both of you, you are really lovely! :jv:

I'm longing to talk to everyone on this topic, (I love practicing english, it's almost like a drug :yawn:, maybe i shouldn't like languages this way...), but that won't be for tonight. Freaking out the whole damn day was kinda exhausting and i really need to sleep if I don't wanna be a zombie tomorow in front of my students. That wouldn't actually be a very good start. :sweatdrop:

By the way, thank you again and @Rosenrot_ your article is of public usefulness, I'll remember that next time the idea of excusing myself for nothing will cross my mind.

Have a good night Right this second. :)

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