Right this second

13 Juillet 2011
2 954
20 900
5 694
@LNounette : Sadly, I don't have a blender. :sad: But unblended red lentil soup is delicious, so I suppose I don't need to blend dhal to make soup out of it! :bave: Thanks a lot for the idea!

@Catatonic Sex Toy : It's this one! As usual, I don't have exactly all the ingredients (like chili powder instead of chili mash and a white onion instead of a red one), but it works just fine, it doesn't have to be perfect as the article suggests. :nod: (Or maybe I have an incredible talent when it comes to improvised cooking. :drama:)
13 Juillet 2011
2 954
20 900
5 694
I find it very annoying to have my facebook newsfeed flooded with Back to the future-related news. Who cares? Not me. If I were the kind of person who enjoys to start civil wars, I'd say it doesn't deserve any attention because it's even worse than other very bad cult movie franchise Star Wars. But I'm just not like that, you know.
7 Juillet 2015
4 046
@Rosenrot_ You might consider this as a training for the Star Wars flood which is brewing. December will be even worse I bet. Not sure that 's quite heartning but Hey... We probably won't be able to escape the "great Star Wars tsunami of december" unless we hide ourselves in cave for a few months. Wait .. Maybe it will turn into a Star Wars bashing, not like it's already the case for some people but... Anyway, that's when I'm happy not to be on social media anymore i'm just flodded when I go on some sites and by my friends when i see them.
Dernière édition :


Je suis faillible, mais je suis capable.
18 Août 2010
16 457
91 573
7 169
Maybe it will turn into a Star Wars bashing
We live in a wonderful world where everything's just either black or white so I'm pretty sure we're gonna have to go through both a cheerful fan wave and crap tons of posts whining about "the ol'good days".
You know.
Dernière édition :
7 Juillet 2015
4 046
@Tératogène Yep! You're completly right! And the the "funnier" thing of all that mess is that the biggest part of the ones who will give their "passionnate advice" won't even have seen the actual movie. I guess we're supposed to prepare an army of facepalm to face that.
  • Big up !
Réactions : Tératogène


Je suis faillible, mais je suis capable.
18 Août 2010
16 457
91 573
7 169
@Mousquet indeed..

There's this crazy thing about musicals that, like, when you see one of them for the first time with a specific cast and you get to check videos on YouTube once you're home.. When you hear the voices of actors/actresses you've seen, it never gets old. And you can't like them more. But if you come across a different version of your fav song from another artist you'd be like uh, my queen is far better.
You can't simply be objective when it comes to live musicals. It's a genuine love story. You all get to bond while they're on stage and you're losing your mind in the theatre.

(Have I ever mentioned Rachel Tucker? I'm this kind of fangirl)(not as if she were my current avatar, right)
  • Big up !
Réactions : Caporal Lapalissades
7 Juillet 2015
4 046
@Tératogène And then I discover where your avatar come from! :cretin: She sure do have a great voice! (I'm curently watching some you tube's videos starring her, it's never too late to get some cultural refrences, right?).I have very little knowledge about musicals, I thought it was the wicked witch of the west from "Oz the great and powerfull" by Sam Raimi. Since I have never seen that movie I didn't find that statement iconsistent.(I found the pic quality way too good for the movie with Judy Garland and the wicked witch did'nt even looked like that so... Uncultivated you said? You got it girl! ). You didn't see anything. :ninja:

I can understand your point, the nostalgia is a great part of the perception of somehing (we're talking about movies and musicals but it can also be applied to places) and even a great performance can hardly beat that. We get attached to the feeling that follow the discovery, the memories, and we can't said that a simple new performance as good as it can be could erase that. That's normal after all.

But for me there's a difference between saying "Oh my! I prefere so much this version, it's the best of all time!" and saying "This version is crap and shit it should have never seen the light of day" and all the shitstrom that can follow. And for what we talked about previously (the potential reactions of old school Star Wars fans) most of the time or mostly the ones we'll hear the most will be of the second reaction category range with over-aggressive and angry opinions. If I understand the love you can express for some piece of art I can't understand the opposite: the blind hatred for something like that, unless it's spread sick ideas and philosphy but it's rarely the case (I mean people rarely hate a film or a musical for that kind of reason), so...

Anyway! Of course i can understand the lack of objectivity , and who can seriously say that he is objective about art? But hate? Being passionate is probably the most beautiful thing that can happened to someone, but if it's putting people through hate... Well maybe it's time to move ahead, no? That kind of reaction always left me both puzzeled and tired.
Dernière édition :
  • Big up !
Réactions : Rosenrot_


Je suis faillible, mais je suis capable.
18 Août 2010
16 457
91 573
7 169
@Mousquet wow okay relax :lol:
That's not by any means what I said. I just talked about a specific kind of affection for a tender memory, I don't think I've ever said I would actually demean other singers. Cause let's face it, every musical actor/actress does have a great voice - that's the whole point of being casted for a musical right.
I was only picturing emotional content when it comes to something you liked once in your life. I mean it's like a dish you used to eat as a child and as an adult you've been offered the same dish but cooked by another person. Not that it's objectively not as good as the original one and I'm sure you wouldn't be that kind of jerk who'd say "no, I don't want it unless it's X's".
7 Juillet 2015
4 046
@Tératogène Wow ,Wow, Wow! I wasn't clear and i'm sorry for that! I wasn't attacking you at all! Please accept my apologize. :fleur:

I wasn't saying that you have that kind of reaction at all.

In fact I was referring to your first post where you talked about cheerful and craps posts and I was only saying that if I'm agree with the fact that nostalgia can have a big impact on the way someone might consider a new version it was way more complicate to me to understand that for some people (and i wasn't referring to you, I am sincerly sorry that you understand it that way I must have use a very poor english for you to end on that concusion) it means that they can blindly injure a new creation without thinking of it much. It's what we can witness each time a remake is done. It almost always end on a pitched battle between those who loved it and those who hated it with a wave of violent animosity in the name of nostalgia and that's this fact I regret, not the heartwarming feeling that come with the memories and the people who keep a special place in their heart for the works they loved .

Am I clearer or am I just digging myself and make it all worse?

Once again, I am sorry you take my previous post personally, it wasn't the aim at all, I was talking generally, I sincerly apologize to you. :erf:
23 Juillet 2014
1 221
4 814
Is there someone here who wants to do my English exercise ?
Pleaaaaase :) It will be a good point to Santa Claus ! (a)

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