Right this second

23 Juillet 2014
1 221
4 814
My English teacher wants to know we practice our English...
"I practice my English watching TV shows and speaking with other Madz on madmoizelle.com"
Can I say that to her ? :hesite:

OMG ! I just saw it ! Harry Potter Smileys *-*
  • Big up !
Réactions : Rosenrot_ et Yes
13 Juillet 2011
2 954
20 900
5 694
You know when you open a thousand articles or pages to read on your browser but then they just stay open for ages because you procrastinate too much to actually read them? Well I have this article titled "The anatomy of procrastination – and how pupils can beat it" waiting to be read... The irony is strong.
18 Décembre 2014
1 993
8 505
la même ville que le Palmashow POPOPOOOO
Hi there ! Hope everything's OK for you :happy:
Just came to boast :ninja:
I was in english class and the teacher gave us a text and said "ok now, you read it and highlight what you understand" and i highlighted all the text :shifty: so she came and she was like "you ALL understood ? IM-PO-SSI-BLE" and she asked me some vocab questions and general questions about the text and i answered all well :yawn: i'm so proud of myself :drama:
(but now i don't know if she likes me or not :ninja:)
7 Juillet 2015
4 046
Hey! I've deserted this topic for a month, i think, now (maybe more, i'm not sure), but I've recently started to work seriously on a new project and even if it's probably going to be develloped in french ( if i ever manage to make it for real) I can't write anything but in english. Can't help, it 's much more fluid and easy... It's like letting the words flow on the paper and it feels so good! Not that my english is perfect and I'm pretty sure that I made a lot of stupid mistakes but it's so different than my laborious way to write in french.

Well, this wasn't very intresting but i needed to say it somewhere. :cretin:
  • Big up !
Réactions : Anableps et Olysquë

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