Right this second

8 Février 2012
2 104
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1 864
I was reading a text in English the other day and I suddenly realised that I understood everything I was reading but there was no French words in my head. It's like I have some kinds of images in my head that allow me to understand what I read/see/hear but I do not have the French equivalent of the English words. I do not really need a dictionary or a translator because I understand the general meaning of the words and what the author is trying to convey so that does not stop me in my reading. This is why I am terrible at translation. I know the words in both languages but it's like I do not have the thread to link the words together. I've comparmentalised the two languages in two different boxes and never mixed them together so they don't really interact with one another. It's weird. How did that happen? :hesite:
10 Décembre 2015
Hi :d
Thanks to LNounette to have warned me about the existence of this topic :d . I am sorry, my english is very bad. I try to improve it and I hope this is not a soucy for you. If this is, I will stop to write here and I only read you :d I will understand :)
I don't know exactly why you feel that way. I was like you and a few years ago, I decided to stop hurting myself. Now, I always say what I want to say. People are hurted, I don't care. By the way, they always know what I think. No lies. Now, my friends like me for that. It's more difficult with my family but It's better for good relationship finally. Society like lies. Of course, there is sometimes the way to explain or anything else but if the heart is good, people understand.
Sorry, I don't knox if I managed to express myself like I want to do. I read english a better way than I speak this language. My boyfriend say my post is written in "petit nègre" ( I hate this expression but I do not have the right words, really sorry).
I hug you a lot ( ? ) These smiley : :hugs:

Oh, I forgot. My boss said to me I was freeee :d :d No more work! My CDD will finish in a few days but the new waiter is still here, there is not a lot of customers.
Now, I will have one more time to read english book, to look at english movies, to cook and to be really relax :cretin: I will search a new job later :d
Dernière édition :
  • Big up !
Réactions : Réminiscence.
10 Décembre 2015
The last night, I was so happy beeing "on vacation" that I've made a party all night long with my best friend. We have spoken, drunk a little bit and played on "Just dance". I'm so tired now, my feets are broken and my throath too :d ( yes, I sing when I dance). So good night girls, see you this afternoon ^^
13 Juillet 2011
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5 694
Funny story of the day:
I went to the market this morning, only it wasn't my usual market (the one closest to my place only takes place on sundays). I stopped at a fruit stand to buy some fruits and vegetables and the seller obviously confused me with someone else (it's okay, I'm used to be the doppelganger of every short brunette wearing glasses) and started to add a ton of fruits to my basket, like? He added some kiwi fruits as "a gift" since he liked me and I was a loyal costumer - it was the first time I ever set a foot there. And he was just talking, talking, talking so I couldn't say anything and at some point I figured it would have been too embarassing to tell him he had mistaken me for someone else so I decided to just roll with it. :ninja:
I'm never going back. :lol:
(Which is a shame, because the apples I bought smell really good and I keep sniffing them.:bave: I'll never get tired of this delicious scent.)
8 Février 2012
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I've finally finished The Perks of being a wallflower by Stephen Chbosky (it took me ages to read it :rolleyes:) and I was going to watch the film but I saw the actors playing the "main" characters and... Meh :erf:. It's a bit ridiculous but while I was reading the book, every time I read the name Patrick, I couldn't help imagining the Heath Ledger from 10 things I hate about you. The characters are very different but the image stuck. So now, it's weird. I've never seen Ezra Miller before in a film and I'm making a big deal out of nothing but look!, look at this cutie pie <3
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