Allez, un petit Top des groupes Facebook en rapport avec HP, pour Lelaina
I'm not a muggle, the owl just got lost when i was 11.
"You know Harry Potter isn't real right?" "Avada Kedavra Filthy Muggle!"
When something goes missing and you suspect the Nargles are behind it.
I'd be with the darkside as long as Draco Malfoy's there (pour les fans de Draco
How dare you say I'm a muggle? My father WILL hear about this.
I want a Firebolt for Christmas
The Weasleys. Making Gingers cool since 1997 (celui-là, parce que je suis moi-même rousse
"Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!"
"One can never have enough socks" - Albus Dumbledore
Désolé ce week end je peux pas, j'ai un match de Quidditch !
I'm not a muggle, the owl just got lost when i was 11.
"You know Harry Potter isn't real right?" "Avada Kedavra Filthy Muggle!"
When something goes missing and you suspect the Nargles are behind it.
I'd be with the darkside as long as Draco Malfoy's there (pour les fans de Draco

How dare you say I'm a muggle? My father WILL hear about this.
I want a Firebolt for Christmas
The Weasleys. Making Gingers cool since 1997 (celui-là, parce que je suis moi-même rousse

"Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!"
"One can never have enough socks" - Albus Dumbledore
Désolé ce week end je peux pas, j'ai un match de Quidditch !