madmoiZelle speaks English : atelier débat

18 Février 2014
1 824
11 717
4 674
petitplat;4747280 a dit :
@Hawley  @Elkaria
About Cloud Atlas.
I did understand the movie, that's my main issue in fact.

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But the book. Yeah. I need to get my hands on that one :)

I think I get what you mean.

@Hawley , I didn't even know there was a book, but it is definitely worth having a look at it. If it is like all adaptation there are probably more details in the book that would make things clearer.

I think the main reason why I would like to watch it again to get a better idea of the full picture might be that I cut it. I started watching it fairly late so I didn't manage to finish it before going to sleep, so I broke the narrative scheme I think.
21 Septembre 2011
@Elkaria oh you should watch it in a row then :)
It's not a bad film.
I just had higher expectations and all the fuss being made it the film goes toward an end that doesn't make me think. And I like to be intellectually stimulated for this kind of films that seem complicated :)


Hello guys ! This topic is really great and sorry for my bad level in english (please correct me when you see some mistakes). :)

I really would like to start watching American Horror Story, but I don't know if it is a good idea, haha ! I think I am the kind of people who can easily be afraid (like in front of Mama, for exemple, haha) but that's the goal of scary things and I have nothing against that. I just want to know if AHS is so scary that we can't stay alone at home at night without being terrified.
Thanks girls. :)

And if we talk about TV series, I really recommand My mad fat diary ! Two seasons of advices about how we have to be ourselves and about how we have to appreciate our body (or at least, to accept it). Moreover, it is so funny and the characters are really lovely. Have fun with it. :)
  • Big up !
Réactions : LennonWalker
20 Novembre 2012
@Machistador Hi ! (Sorry for the mistakes, i'm trying to level up my english during holidays.)

I watched American Horror Story. From the beginning of the episode, i covered my eyes :yawn: i'm really nervous in front of horror movies or suspens movies. I need somebody with me to watch it.

American Horror is not really terrifiying but it is stressful. Maybe you're braver than me. You could show first episode. Like that, you will be able to make your own idea. I have a few friends who love this serie !

In order not to spoil, i don't want to say more!
10 Juin 2012
2 214
And if we talk about TV series, I really recommand My mad fat diary ! Two seasons of advices about how we have to be ourselves and about how we have to appreciate our body (or at least, to accept it). Moreover, it is so funny and the characters are really lovely. Have fun with it. :)

Hello !
I'd like to improve myself in english, so i'll try to post in this topic from time to time :)
I'll certainly do mistakes, so as machistador said, feel free to correct me !

I've watched the two first seasons of My Mad Fat Diary, and I literally worshiped. After watching an episode you feel released of the eyes of others. I totaly agree with your description of the serie !
4 Mars 2014
11 344
43 879
5 604
Hey hey English-speaking Madz !

I couldn't find that topic after the "big change". So anyway, I am currently working on my Master Degree in translation (French/English) so if you need any help, feel free to ask :)

Speaking of AHS... I liked the 1st season, not my favorite tv show but it was ok; but I am trying to watch the 2nd and I don't know, I just don't like it, despite my love for Evan Peters.

Hello !
I'd like to improve myself in english, so i'll try to post in this topic from time to time :)
I'll certainly do mistakes, so as machistador said, feel free to correct me !

I've watched the two first seasons of My Mad Fat Diary, and I literally worshiped. After watching an episode you feel released of the eyes of others. I totaly agree with your description of the serie !

Unlike in French, you need to use capital letters when you write about a language (i.g French languague, English language...), and you don't "do mistakes" but "make mistakes" (just like you don't "take a decision" but "make a decision", if that's of any help reminding that).
I do have a slight doubt on that but I think the correct way to say it is "the first two seasons", not the other way around (or at least that's what I say and never had problem with it) ; and you can't just "worship", you "worship something" so you have to say "I worship IT", 'it" referencing to MMFD.
The correct preposition after release is "from", and I'm not sure to understand what you mean by eyes... I think about gaze more than eyes so the sentence should be something like "you feel released from the gaze of the others/of other persons". (And "totally" is written with two "L" ^^ )

I hope I don't sound to harsh and actually helped you :)
21 Août 2014
1 116
3 411
Hello ladies ! 8)
I want to participate to this topic because my English is awful. I've got a lack of vocabulary and I 've big difficulties with grammar. Sorry to attack your eyes with my hideous sentences. :rolleyes:'s not easy to take part of this conversation...

I dont't like watching movies. It's too long for me. It's silly but I can watch tv shows during 3 hours but I can't see a movie during 2 hours.
I'm a huge fan of Doctor Who (less until Moffat is the showrunner). Currently, I have watching The Big Bang Theory, Dr. Who, Downton Abbey, Gotham, Sons of Anarchy and others things.
24 Février 2013
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I dont't like watching movies. It's too long for me. It's silly but I can watch tv shows during 3 hours but I can't see a movie during 2 hours.
I know, right! It's so weird! :oo:

I wouldn't say that I don't like watching movies per se, but I can't count how many times I've wanted to watch a movie, maybe downloaded it or borrowed the DVD from a friend, and then never got around to it because somehow I felt that watching something for two hours (as you said) just seemed "too long", almost like a waste of time. :facepalm:

And you're right, it is just silly considering I can easily spend 2, 3 hours or even more captivated by a TV show. :lol:
Could it be because a 2-hour movie feels like doing just "one thing" for 2 hours but with a TV show (especially one with short episodes) it may seem like "doing more" in the same amount of time? (Um... Now that I wrote it down it sounds even more absurd :sweatdrop:)
I guess it's all just in the head, one of those psychological things... :dunno:

(Ugh it feels like I used the word "watch" way too much but I couldn't think of anything else to replace it... Does anyone know what I could have used instead ? I checked some synonym websites but I didn't find anything that fit :erf:)

Actually Cloud Atlas is one of these movies that are just sitting there, waiting to be watched on my hard drive (as the film was mentioned previously) and by the way I didn't know it was originally a book, thanks for bringing that up @Hawley! I definitely intend to look into that. Did you eventually manage to read it ?
Dernière édition :
14 Juin 2013
6 234
31 596
4 354
Oh I had no idea this topic existed ! It's great to have a place to practice our English, even if it's only written (we should organize "madz English night" everywhere in France :ordi:.)

As for the subject, I'm what my parents call, a series-addict. Everytime their friends'kids are looking for a show to watch, they call me. So I often have to answer to questions like "why do you like it so much ? Why isn't it like movies ?" and stuff, and I finally came up with that theory which is that I think our generation is not pleased with "one-shot". I mean, we like books, movies, series, but the one we really like are the one we follow. It's not just TV. My favourite books are the one that I grew up with. Not like "I was a kid it was great" but like "It was there for a very long time". Harry Potter worked pretty well because every year we wanted to know what was going to happen. And they understood that, because now, the best-sellers books are series. Same for movies. They know they can't just make a good movie. They have to make more, because we have to know what comes next. See, now we even have movies that tell us what happened before the actual first movie. (I'm talking here about people who are not into the cinema industry. The one who only go to the theaters bacause they know the story or the main actor, not the one who follow a realisator or who go to the movies for the beauty of the photography) And the fact that more and more "books-series" are made into movie, also shows that we care a lot about the characters and universes, and that we look for every occasion to meet them again, even if it's the same stories, at least it's them.

Maybe the series are the first media that started this, but now you can't just say "kids only like dumb TV shows", because in the end, it has nothing to do with TV. Every media is touched by this serie-trend.

That was the 3:52PM theory, I'm going back to my Walking Dead episod, I'm late.
24 Février 2013
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(we should organize "madz English night" everywhere in France :ordi:.)
Yes please! :dowant:

I like your theory by the way, I think it really makes sense... I do like stand-alone movies (I'm thinking Obvious Child, 500 Days of Summer, Intouchables, Invictus, The Help...) but I'm a big fan of series like The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Back to the Future, and of course all the superhero movies. :d
I can also relate a lot to what you said about the Harry Potter franchise, about how you liked it because we kind of grew up with it (as the books came out between 1997 and 2007), again it makes sense. :nod:
I had already noticed (as has everyone else :rolleyes:) this kind of "sequel/prequel" trend for movies, but never thought to link it with the huge TV shows trend. This does give food for thought :hesite:
  • Big up !
Réactions : Patriarcaca

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