MadmoiZelle speaks English

12 Février 2015
Girls, seriously, if you want to have a good time check out Jim Gaffigan, Reginal D Hunter or Dara O Brian. They're comedians and I'm pissing myself. Those dudes know how to make a person laugh ! Have fun~

@No_Joke Good luck ! Grammar isn't that hard says no one ever I'm sure you'll make it !
  • Big up !
Réactions : No_Joke
10 Octobre 2014
3 183
Long time no see girls (I... lost this topic in the depth of the forum)

@Adybou : I will definitely watch Galivant then ! You paint a very interesting picture of the show !

@No_Joke : Congrats on your grade ! Grammar can't stop your awesomeness :cretin:

In a non related topic, I read lots of sci-fi in English (in fact I almost never read sci-fi in French, it is the only way I have to practice English without having to "study") and because of that, my astronomical/spacial vocabulary is way more rich in English than in French, which never cease to be funny when I talk about sic-fi with my fellow French fans !
I wonder if it's the same for some of you about your favorite English subjects ?
  • Big up !
Réactions : Saucisson. et Adybou
5 Juin 2011
4 744
Hi everybody! Somebody can translate "le renard qui cherche/chercheur" in english? Im not sure that "Fox Finder" is correct (sorry for my very basic english...)
24 Avril 2014
1 306
4 509
1 044
I have the same problem but with a really strange subject. I used to read a lot of fanfics about a famous tv show, and especially about what happened with one of the characters after he lost his legs in an accident and had to go back to his hometown (and the actor left the show). So I learned a lot about PM&R (rehab medicine) and prosthetics in english and I don't have the vocabulary about this in french.

Exactely the same here : I have the whole vocabulary to investigate, go to the tribunal, etc, thanks to all the tv series I watch in English, and thanks to my studies I can have a really high level of discussion in sociology and media analysis that I can't have in French because all the concepts I handle are in English. Or German.
  • Big up !
Réactions : Saucisson.

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