MadmoiZelle speaks English

24 Mars 2010
3 724
I have a big problem in english (and with other languages), it's 1) the grammar 2) not translate my sentence (french -> english) and rewrite the same structure. My english isn't so "english" but too french.
Is it clear all I said ? x)

So if you have some advice for me (or the same problem), can you help me please ? It's very "handiccaping" (see ?)
24 Avril 2014
1 306
4 509
1 044
You should watch TV in English as often as you can: when you listen to a language, it's easier to understand no-written rules and mechanisms of this language. Then maybe read interesting books - short novels, short stories, ... - to have an eye on the grammar and increase the amount of vocabulary. Songs can be helpful too. But to be honest, the practice is what will improve the most your skills... So if you could find someone to talk to, it would help a lot.

Only a small advice: try not to use "frenchy" words like "handicapping". Find a way to express your thoughts with other (easier) words. For example, here you could have said "it does not really help" or " it is then really difficult to have a whole conversation" etc :)

But wanting to improve is the first step to a better language! Keep trying and talking !
24 Mars 2010
3 724
I watch ALL my series in english since my 12 years old (and I can't see the difference, maybe I should try without subtitle ?). I was in a english litterature class room and my vocabulary is... not adapted in a conversation (except if I want to be poetic). And I read english article without much difficulty.
Currently, I'm in english psychology and I learn to write scientific article and researches. It's not very helpful but yes, I agree, I must keep an eye on grammar and review my vocabulary (aw dear mind)
6 Février 2013
I would add do not hesitate to look into a dictionary whenever you are not really sure which word to use or how to construct your sentence, which tense to employ etc ... The more you do it the more instinctively you will be able to use the language. Also the forums ( and I can recommend the forum ) are very helpful. Discussing and exchanging about a language and its peculiarities really helps to understand it and it becomes more instinctive. Ask questions to google ( for instance, just this morning I was writting " why not + verb " and it confirmed that you have to use the infitive tense behind this this phrase, and hey, now I know it and I won't do the mistake for sure ! )

And the obvious : read. Everything. Newspaper, novels, even fanfictions. I spend (too much) time hanging around on the internet,youtube, tumblr and co, and fanfiction websites and I can't tell you how it helped me in terms of vocabulary, idioms etc ...
  • Big up !
Réactions : Melfïnn
6 Août 2014
2 375
6032 (Belgique)
Hi girls ! :)

I'm sorry that I came just once and then desappeared but I moved into a new flat with my boyfriend so I didn't get the Internet for a few days (more than a week actually). But everything is in order now so I will be more present on this topic to practice my written English (as I am an interpreter I speak, understand and read in English but I do not often write so I still can make mistakes. Do not hesitate to correct them !)
15 Décembre 2014
1 944
Okay girls. I'm here for the first time and I don't know what to say... The only thing I want to talk about is a little bit sad... Do you want to hear from me (and so to hear it)?

Sorry for my mistakes (but I'm also here to improve my English ;) )
  • Big up !
Réactions : Avallach
23 Mars 2015
@MadRose I wouldn't mind reading it! It is good to be able to talk about things, happy or sad. And it's my first time here too, so let's help each other J
The more you practice, the more you will improve your English. I try to keep it up to date by watching series that aren't dubbed for example, or reading lots of books and magazines.
15 Décembre 2014
1 944
What I wanted to say is that my love story may ends soon... It makes me so sad.

I have three languages to practice in order to improve : English, but also Spanish and Chinese. So sometimes I watch the american series in VO... but subtitled in Spanish! I also read in these two languages (I didn't learn how to read Chinese yet). What I read in English now it's a novel by Jilian Larkin.

@Avallach : Are you student?
23 Mars 2015
@MadRose Oh, I'm sorry to hear about your love story :sad: I still hope there might be a tiny chance for it not to come to an end.
And no, I'm not a student anymore, although I am thinking about taking up evening classes as from September. Are you a student?
I don't think I know Jilian Larkin. What is your novel about?
It is funny, because I've studied Chinese at school too, but I forgot almost all of it.. :crying: (even though I can only blame myself for not practicing!)

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