MadmoiZelle speaks English

18 Septembre 2009
3 919
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Tangerine;1659930 a dit :
Youlbagerine? :d
Yeaaah, it's gonna be awesome! Beware Australians, we're coming!

Youlbagerine sounds awsome girls. It's gonna be leg.... wait for it... dairy !! :cretin:

Okay, girls, when do we leave ?
18 Septembre 2009
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Tangerine;1660358 a dit :
I'd say ASAP, let me save some money for the flight first!

You can have a first stop in NYC to pick me up and then go aaaaall the way down. But I need money as well... What is the fastest way to earn money easily?
18 Septembre 2009
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Tangerine;1660874 a dit :
Cool, I've always wanted to go to the US! Is your flat big enough to put me up?
Concerning money, well, we can try to sell our beautiful bodies... haha. Or you can bake French pastries, I'm sure people in NYC will love that! As for me, I can sing in the street... Or hold up a bank!

My flat will always big enough for Madz to come visit !

I am totally up for an hold up. Always wanted to put some panthose on my face, holding a gun, and say "Your money or your life" !
9 Août 2008
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BryterLayter;1661505 a dit :
I remember some girl here mentioned she was bound to attend Reading fest, the same day as me (ie Saturday) if I am not mistaken... That's odd! :) But I can't recall who she is... and I can't be arsed to make a search right now. Who is she, does anybody know? (That's pure curiosity ;)).

Wait, you're going to READING ? Ok, now I'm jealous. (and if you tell me you will see The Libertines there, it will get even worse)

(I'm sure you know I'm only joking, and I hope you will enjoy Reading fest as much as possible)
9 Août 2008
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BryterLayter;1663595 a dit :
Haha, yeah, I'm going indeed, and I'll basically see the Libertines. :shifty: Actually what decided me to get a ticket is the Libertines playing on this fest. Then I discovered this day's line-up was just a motherfucking line-up so that sounds like paradise... (but I won't tell you about the other bands, I don't want to turn cruel :chat:)
I'll tell you if it was worth attending...

PS: Hooray for your profile pic! :d
You're so lucky ! I would do (almost) anything to see The Libertines on stage. (right at this moment, there is a part of me that really wants to hear about the other bands, and an other one that doesn't want to know anything about it. I guess I'm kind of schizophrenic when it comes to music)
Oh yes, you definitly have to ! But anyway, I'm sure you won't be disappointed.

PS : Thanks ! Glad you appreciate it. :d
16 Septembre 2005
4 924
I have a weird feeling about English. I've been living in Chicago for almost 2 months and am still ashamed of speaking in front of French people. I feel like they'll think I speak badly. I guess English is not my thing. But I decided to do something about it and this message is the first step :winky:
So the other day Obama was back in Chicago for his birthday and was staying at the hotel on the street right next to where I work. The street was blocked and the crowd was waiting for him in the sun... so coooool.
18 Septembre 2009
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miss-ter;1663696 a dit :
I have a weird feeling about English. I've been living in Chicago for almost 2 months and am still ashamed of speaking in front of French people. I feel like they'll think I speak badly. I guess English is not my thing. But I decided to do something about it and this message is the first step :winky:
So the other day Obama was back in Chicago for his birthday and was staying at the hotel on the street right next to where I work. The street was blocked and the crowd was waiting for him in the sun... so coooool.

Your English sounds pretty good to me !
16 Septembre 2005
4 924
So how's the weather in NY? It's a nightmare here: so hot and HUMID. When I wake up it's usually cool and sometimes raining, and then it changes when I'm at work and not paying attention. I'm dying right now. My neighbor felt sorry for me when I told him we didn't have AC (heard that the other day :idea:) in the apartment and he offered to buy me a fan... but I refused of course. I can't stand fans.
18 Septembre 2009
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miss-ter;1663706 a dit :
So how's the weather in NY? It's a nightmare here: so hot and HUMID. When I wake up it's usually cool and sometimes raining, and then it changes when I'm at work and not paying attention. I'm dying right now. My neighbor felt sorry for me when I told him we didn't have AC (heard that the other day :idea:) in the apartment and he offered to buy me a fan... but I refused of course. I can't stand fans.

Pretty much the same here, the weather is hot and humid. The AC in my flat does not work very well but I got used to sleep in a hot room. The subway though is a real oven, about 50°C in some stations. And since they are kind of AC fanatics around here, I freeze my ass off in my office because there is a 30° gap between the subway and my desk....:annoyed:
16 Septembre 2005
4 924
I feel fortunate now, trains and buses do have AC here! Besides, there's always wind in the windy city! which is a blessing right now, but will sure be awful in about 2 months.
11 Août 2010
4 874
BryterLayter;1691638 a dit :
D-4 before I hit to London / Reading! :d Sounds exciting! whoop whoop :dada:
I've seen the line up... you're definitely a lucky girl ! (could you bring back the We Are Scientists' lead singer in France? :winky:)

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