MadmoiZelle speaks English

18 Septembre 2009
3 919
1 992
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BryterLayter;1652090 a dit :
What shall we talk about? The great issue haha.
What's the weather like at yours today? 8)

The weather is awfully hot and humid, it's been like this for a month now, I am dying. The temperature is about 37° and I do not have air conditionning in my apartment.... :sad:


Albany;1653029 a dit :
The weather is awfully hot and humid, it's been like this for a month now, I am dying. The temperature is about 37° and I do not have air conditionning in my apartment.... :sad:

Where do you live ?
Because near Paris, it seems like we are in autumn.
15 Avril 2010
1 124
Yes ALbany's in New York (Lucky her!!!)

Amy' I really don't get the indian accent too. There's an Indian engineer at work and I really don't understand what he's saying :S I think it's something you just have to get used to.
12 Août 2008
1 337
2 474
My last english teacher spoke with the indian accent. It was so funny ! Each classes with her was a pleasure because we still laughed. However, one day my friend and I were caught, it was less funny ..
18 Septembre 2009
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5 184
Amy';1653214 a dit :
I think she's in the USA currently but I'm not sure.;1653221 a dit :
Yes ALbany's in New York (Lucky her!!!)

Amy' I really don't get the indian accent too. There's an Indian engineer at work and I really don't understand what he's saying :S I think it's something you just have to get used to.

Tangerine;1654404 a dit :
Haha yeah, the Indian accent is kind of awful! Especially when they say "butterchicken!" lol.
Oh, and Asians talking in English too! OMG!

And I miss NZ... :erf:

yeah, I am in NY, pretty awsome there.

Tangerine, is the NZ accent similar to the Australian one ? Because I met a girl in the subway today and she had a weird accent, pretty similar to the British one.
12 Août 2008
1 337
2 474
Tangerine;1655997 a dit :
Nope, not yet! lol. I wanted to when I was in New Zealand, but I didnt have enough money...
But sure I'll go to Australia at some point!

We go together ? : p (speciale dedication to my friends Jonh Travolta and Olivia Newton Jones, haha)
18 Septembre 2009
3 919
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5 184
Tangerine;1659678 a dit :
Whenever you want! haha. I could have been working in Brisbane for 6 months, from october but in the end I didnt get the job.
Have you already planned to go to Australia?

Can I join the trip ? :)

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