MadmoiZelle speaks English

18 Avril 2008
1 346
2 484
Today I picked up the phone and it was our cyprus agent, speaking english of course, and I've lost my means, didn't know what to say :s. But all day long I'm sending mails in english, I know I need to pratise my oral...
17 Septembre 2010
7 892
5 501
3 384
Yesterday 2 guys asked me from which part of England did I come.
That's so effin' cool! I was so proud of myself, knowing that I haven't talk to an actual English person for months.
Then I've met some friends of mine, who speak English too, and it was so easy to talk with them, I was drunk but anyway, I really understood them and I was really really PROUD.
I :Pom: cheer :Pom: myself haha
16 Septembre 2005
4 924
I thought about you guys cause you were talking about opening a bakery abroad... I went to a French bakery (La boulangerie, how original) in Chicago and it seems to work pretty well. The bread was AWESOME... gosh, I haven't tasted something like that in months and I eat tons of bread everyday. I had a dream about it during the night!
But I'm not happy about going back to France. Like one of you said earlier, the worst will be arriving and hearing French everywhere. When I came back from Spain, it really gave me the creeps.
Well. I'd better go back to work now.

Ancien membre

Alecto;1907730 a dit :
I miss England so much. I did an oral presentation in Literature at the beginning of the semester, I made plenty of mistakes and had a changing accent. When I spoke the other day with a proper English girl, language was so fluent...

My American history class is full of stupid former "prépas" with a shitty accent ("they laived in towns") and of girls with a "yeknooow" accent, pretending they're American. I absolutely love to accentuate my British accent....

I'm in "prépa" and I do have an american accent :yawn: I'm watching (or i used to watch, i'd rather say..) so many series I just can't help having this accent. One of my english "khôlleur" even asked me once if I have lived or spent time in the US (I've never been there, actually).

Which leads me to another point.... I am going to LA then Denver then NYC in exactly 2 months from now with my mom and my cousin ! I'm so glad, it's gonna be so much fun, whenever I think about it I'm like : :Pom: :danse: :cretin:
By the way, if any of you has got ideas of activities I could make in Denver, that would be nice to share it with me ! We are following my mom as she needs to there on business, we will stay like 2 days in a gorgeous hostel (because that's the place of her conference :d), but I don't know how will we spend time with my cousin...


5 Février 2009
4 844
Alecto;1907730 a dit :
I miss England so much. I did an oral presentation in Literature at the beginning of the semester, I made plenty of mistakes and had a changing accent. When I spoke the other day with a proper English girl, language was so fluent...

My American history class is full of stupid former "prépas" with a shitty accent ("they laived in towns") and of girls with a "yeknooow" accent, pretending they're American. I absolutely love to accentuate my British accent....

I'm also in "prépa"
I don't have neither the american accent, nor the british one !
Well, i'm not so bad when speaking, but my teacher always says to improve my "th" pronounciation, which seeems "so french" --'

I'd love to spend my summer holiday, at least one whole month, in London ! Without my mother or my sister, in order to be in a real "imersion" (do english people use that term for this idea?), but i don't know yet how to organize this...

sorry if there are some mistakes
17 Septembre 2010
7 892
5 501
3 384
No one's talkin here anymore, ya?
Are ya alive mates?

Just wanna talk with my shitty english haha.
Plus I'm talkin like a chav. In my own fuckin dead. I'm such a dick.

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