MadmoiZelle speaks English

5 Septembre 2010
1 254
Jamie`;1940306 a dit :
No one's talkin here anymore, ya?
Are ya alive mates?

Just wanna talk with my shitty english haha.
Plus I'm talkin like a chav. In my own fuckin dead. I'm such a dick.

Nathan, get out of this body RIGHT NOW ! :d

I'm sick, I sneeze every two seconds, my nose itches, I always have a package of used tissues beside me, I feel weak and meaningless.Ugh !
The english assistant told me I was creepy today :yawn:
She asked my class to write on a piece of paper what were the five things we couldn't live without, everyone said "Love, my friends, my family, a house, enough money to live" and I said something like "Kittens, gigs, my iPod, awkward jokes and thai food". I felt quite alone.
But I had my revenge when she said that she used to love milk and put ice cubes in her bottles to get it almost frozen all the time. I shouted and I was like "WHO'S FREAKY NOW, UH ?". Haha. Great day.

Ancien membre

Tracy Jacks;2002787 a dit :
The english assistant told me I was creepy today :yawn:
She asked my class to write on a piece of paper what were the five things we couldn't live without, everyone said "Love, my friends, my family, a house, enough money to live" and I said something like "Kittens, gigs, my iPod, awkward jokes and thai food". I felt quite alone.

I would have said "my teddy bear" first, then the Internet. :nerd:

At least, freaks are unique, celebrate the difference !


19 Mars 2010
1 154
Tracy Jacks;2002787 a dit :
The english assistant told me I was creepy today :yawn:
She asked my class to write on a piece of paper what were the five things we couldn't live without, everyone said "Love, my friends, my family, a house, enough money to live" and I said something like "Kittens, gigs, my iPod, awkward jokes and thai food". I felt quite alone.

Who can live without awkward jokes seriously?

At least, you didn't answer "justin bieber, twilight, my best friends, gossip girl, shopping" like most of my students....

I just discovered something a few days ago: grapes don't have seeds in England and they think it's completely normal! British people really don't know how to it properly... (and if you want to impress(seduce?) a British guy just make some crèpes, they think it's really refined and complicated to do :wink:)
Why the hell are people scared of british hooligans ?
Me and my art class saw a group on the parking area near Birmingham, yesterday. I was just thinking of marrying them all (this may come from my love for the people born to annoy) when the whole bus started to panic as the guys were shouting near us, holding an enormous english flag.
Okay, they have this peculiar smell of tobacco and beer. Okay, they are noisy. Okay, they have massive bodies. But as long as you don't say out loud that West Ham sucks, they won't kill you. Damn, people are so paranoid.

It was a beautiful image to see those guys so proud of their country. I would love to feel the same about France.
Beautifully Broken;2037970 a dit :

"After hearing the news about the Jasper, the narrator and two soldiers sat on a rock, they looked at the ocean in silence. Theirs eyes were turned toward the horizon, they listened to the sound of waves. Suddenly, the narrator broke this heavy silence."

C'est grammaticalement correct, mais moi, j'aurais plutôt dit "After having heard". Sinon, "their" est invariable, pas de "s". Et si tu veux te la péter belle gosse angliche, tu peux remplacer " they looked at the ocean" par "they stared at the ocean", si tu veux renforcer un peu le côté "regard fixe et perdu". ;)
Beautifully Broken;2038151 a dit :
Wow merci pour les corrections :) ! Tu es trop forte !

My pleasure ;)

Beautifully Broken;2038041 a dit :

- «This turnaround situation is so strange. It's incredible.
I don't understand how this could happen ! I thought I'd have seen everything in war but life's so unpredictable...» the narrator began quietly.

- «Yes, it is. As they say, "Don't put the cart before the horse" ! Who'd have expected ? We were jealous of Symes, we said "Symes is lucky, he goes at home. The nightmare is over for him" we hated him, and now ... Now he's dead.» an other soldier replied bitterly.
«He was courageous, wasn't he ?»

- «Yes, he was. I regretted my behavior !» the third soldier whispered reluctantly.

- «So do I. Latest feelings that we've had for him were negatives. I find us unfair, I hated Symes but his reaction was so understandable. He opposed the colonel, he admitted to being a coward to preserve his life and probably also to preserve his family. We all wanted to be like him, we all wanted to stay alive ! But he is dead.»

(j'éditerai le post au fur et à mesure que j'écris mon dialogue)

- This turnaround is so strange. "Turnaround situation", ça sonne bizarre je trouve, mais je ne suis sûre de rien.
I thought nothing would surprise me anymore after the war... pour "I thought that I'd have seen everything in war", car il me semble que la conjugaison est problématique, mais que je ne serais peut être pas capable de la corriger. Donc reformulé, mais c'est peut être un contresens, ça dépend du sens que tu veux donner.

- We were saying au lieu de "we said" et he goes home plutôt que "he goes at home"

- I regret my behaviour ;)

- The latest feelings we had about him were negative/wrong (les adjectifs sont invariables en anglais). I think we've been unfair with him, I hated Symes but his reaction seems so logical (et pas "logic" donc) to me now. He rebelled against the colonel, he admitted he was a coward to protect his life and probably his family, also. La suite est très correcte :d


19 Mars 2010
1 154
Also it would be "they were listening" and not "they listened".. as for the rest, i would have changed a few things:

"«This turnaround situation is so strange. It's incredible.
I don't understand how this could happen ! I thought I'd have seen everything at war but life's so unpredictable...» the narrator began quietly.

- «Yes, it is. As they say, "Don't put the cart before the horse" ! Who'd have expected ? We were jealous of Symes, we were saying "Symes is lucky, he goes home. The nightmare is over for him" we hated him, and now ... Now he's dead.» an other soldier replied bitterly.
«He was courageous, wasn't he ?»

- «Yes, he was. I regret my behavior !» the third soldier whispered reluctantly.

- «So do I. The latest feelings that we've had for him were negative ones. I find us unfair, I hated Symes but his reaction was so understandable. He opposed the colonel, he admitted being a coward to preserve his life and probably also to preserve his family. We all wanted to be like him, we all wanted to stay alive ! But now he is dead.» the narrator declared crossly.

Crossly does sound a bit weird to me, not that it's wrong but it just doesn't sound very natural.

edit: uh well didn't see Tracy Jack's post..


Tracy Jacks;2038146 a dit :
C'est grammaticalement correct, mais moi, j'aurais plutôt dit "After having heard". Sinon, "their" est invariable, pas de "s". Et si tu veux te la péter belle gosse angliche, tu peux remplacer " they looked at the ocean" par "they stared at the ocean", si tu veux renforcer un peu le côté "regard fixe et perdu". ;)

I'd rather say "after they heard". Sounds better to me. :)


19 Mars 2010
1 154
Tracy Jacks;2038213 a dit :
My pleasure ;)

- This turnaround is so strange. "Turnaround situation", ça sonne bizarre je trouve, mais je ne suis sûre de rien.

I think instead of saying 'this turnaround is so strange' i would say 'What a twist..." sounds more natural to me.


Tracy Jacks;2038213 a dit :
My pleasure ;)

- This turnaround is so strange. "Turnaround situation", ça sonne bizarre je trouve, mais je ne suis sûre de rien.
I thought nothing would surprise me anymore after the war... pour "I thought that I'd have seen everything in war", car il me semble que la conjugaison est problématique, mais que je ne serais peut être pas capable de la corriger. Donc reformulé, mais c'est peut être un contresens, ça dépend du sens que tu veux donner.

- We were saying au lieu de "we said" et he goes home plutôt que "he goes at home"

- I regret my behaviour ;)

- The latest feelings we had about him were negative/wrong (les adjectifs sont invariables en anglais). I think we've been unfair with him, I hated Symes but his reaction seems so logic to me now. He rebelled against the colonel, he admitted he was a coward to protect his life and probably his family, also. La suite est très correcte :d

The adjective is "logical". Logic is a noun.

"I don't understand how this could happen !" > I'd say, "I don't understand how this possibly happened". Doesn't change much, but sounds proper! :d


Tracy Jacks;2038146 a dit :
C'est grammaticalement correct, mais moi, j'aurais plutôt dit "After having heard". Sinon, "their" est invariable, pas de "s". Et si tu veux te la péter belle gosse angliche, tu peux remplacer " they looked at the ocean" par "they stared at the ocean", si tu veux renforcer un peu le côté "regard fixe et perdu". ;)

Pour le côté "regard romantique et perdu", je dirais plutôt gaze que stare. Stare, c'est plus "scruter", gaze c'est plus "contempler", c'est plus flou. Je titille un peu je crois mais bon. :erf:

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