MadmoiZelle speaks English

17 Septembre 2010
7 892
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It's okay, we just need sth to speak about.
Do you know how to meet a cute Engish boy, chat with him, make him fall in love with ya, an then you can live in England and everything is cool and you just have to speak English everyday for the rest of your life?
(Nope, I'm not dreaming about it for months.... :sweatdrop: )
17 Septembre 2010
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3 384
I need your help guys! (Okay, I'm a bit "too much here" these days haha.)
Is it correct?
"You're my longest relationship, my best friend, my first love, my twin brother, I'm with your since the beginning and I'll be there till the end."

Ancien membre

Jamie`;1941724 a dit :
I need your help guys! (Okay, I'm a bit "too much here" these days haha.)
Is it correct?
"You're my longest relationship, my best friend, my first love, my twin brother, I'm with your since the beginning and I'll be there till the end."

Don't you mean "I'm yours" or "I'm with you" ?
It seems to me you gotta write an apostrophe before "till" since it's a shortcut to say "until" (well, I don't know if it's a real rule, but I would write it that way)
17 Septembre 2010
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3 384
Season;1941743 a dit :
Don't you mean "I'm yours" or "I'm with you" ?
It seems to me you gotta write an apostrophe before "till" since it's a shortcut to say "until" (well, I don't know if it's a real rule, but I would write it that way)

Yup, "I'm with you", it's a mistake I'm doing all the time, but never on purpose ... u_u
Anyway, I don't think that the apostrophe is a rule but you're right, I should write one :)

Ancien membre

That's what I thought too ;)
And, the "you're my longest relationship" seems a bit weird to me, I think it's grammaticaly (shit, I don't know how to spell this word, one m or two? :shifty:) correct but I don't know if an actual English would say that. Maybe "You're the only one I have stayed this long with" or... idk, I'll let the other girls say what they think about it, It's time for me to go write my philosophy essay :stare:
17 Septembre 2010
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3 384
Season;1941766 a dit :
That's what I thought too ;)
And, the "you're my longest relationship" seems a bit weird to me, I think it's grammaticaly (shit, I don't know how to spell this word, one m or two? :shifty:) correct but I don't know if an actual English would say that. Maybe "You're the only one I have stayed this long with" or... idk, I'll let the other girls say what they think about it, It's time for me to go write my philosophy essay :stare:

It makes sense because it's not meant to be send to an actual person. And it includes so much things I just can't say it like that. Plus the "You're the only one I have stayed this long with" is too heavy. I want a short sentence :)

Thx Tracy Jacks <3
Spencer;1964213 a dit :
My parents just signed the check which will pay the FCE (First Certificate in English from the University of Cambridge) ...
I'm scaaaaaarred, even if my English teacher is in love with me ... :yawn:

High five, I'm exactly in the same situation as you right now (except the fact that I am in love with my english teacher, but don't tell anyone) ! I'm sure it would be a cake walk for such a smart girl like you.

My art section suggested me to travel around England during a whole week in February : Chester, Bath, London, Leicester, Liverpool... It sounds so freakin' awesome, but it also means I'll miss about 6 days of work... But as my friend says, you gotta take the risk if you wanna get the biscuit, right ?
10 Décembre 2008
1 624
I'm studying English and Spanish this year so this thread is perfect. I've always been in love with English, since I started to learn it when I was 12, at school. I've been several times in England, I had a british boyfriend for few months (good way for staying in England for less money actually!) and I would love to be a English to French translator later... This is a passion, I love listening somebody talking English, writting it,... I prefer English accent rather than the American one, don't know why.. It sounds better!
27 Juin 2010
7 451
10 706
5 954
Ow. I'm feeling so ridiculous when I read your posts ! My english is so bad. I'd like to speak like you all do :crying:

(I'm sure this simple sentence is full of mistakes :yawn:)

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