MadmoiZelle speaks English



Hello girls! How are you? The weather is so cold, isn't it? I hate it! I did some shopping with my mom this afternoon, we were looking for some presents for my birthday and for Christmas.

Have a nice evening ladies.
10 Novembre 2011
Hello, just to notice you that a good article has been publicated on Slate, James Deen Porn Star: Porn Women Like to Watch.
I think it's a good explanation of why pornography is such disgusting for most of women, and why does guys in porn is more ?Big arms. Big abs. Big dicks,? than James Deen kind, "slightly skate-punk aesthetic, naturally toned body ".
(I spend more time to search for vocabulary than write... About my English to, I have a serious lack of vocabulary, so if some of you could give me some synonymous for some words like "good", "think", thanks !)
10 Avril 2011
2 214
Hi girls !
I wanted to ask you some help for a translation I must do.
I'm not really sure of how I should translate the expression "See who" in this sentence :
"See who is forced to leave his homefolk in the camp for fear they will be insulted by the soldiers."
How would u translate it ?

Thanks for ur help :)
23 Juin 2011
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Alecto;2775533 a dit :
I am able to understand the Inbetweeners without subtitles, and without Urban Dictionary!

I spend way too much time in my English schools.

I went to the cinema yesterday to go see Hugo, and they had a poster for The Inbetweeners. Translation? "Les Boloss". A part of me died as I read it.
3 Juillet 2009
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Hello ladies :) It's been quite a long time since i came here but i need your help!

I'm studying this article and i have to explain what "a feeling-good buddy film" is and what "bleeding-heart bores" are. So i have absolutely no idea, i guess when i'll understand i'll be like "oh yes, that's so stupid i could have guessed that myself" but right now, i don't know so please help me :pray:
23 Juin 2011
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Glen Coco;2780312 a dit :
Hello ladies :) It's been quite a long time since i came here but i need your help!

I'm studying this article and i have to explain what "a feeling-good buddy film" is and what "bleeding-heart bores" are. So i have absolutely no idea, i guess when i'll understand i'll be like "oh yes, that's so stupid i could have guessed that myself" but right now, i don't know so please help me :pray:

Van Damsel;2780401 a dit :
Never "will" after "when", only "when I understand". :)

(explication en français) Pour moi un "feeling-good buddy film" c'est un film "populaire" dans la mesure où tu te sens proche du personnage car il est attachant ou a une dimension humaine tellement forte que tu ne peux que l'apprécier.

Par contre, pour "bleeding-heart bores", j'ai aucune idée. Peut-être que l'auteur de l'article parle de "personnes sans intérêt" mais j'avoue que je cale.

♡ de Môme;2780602 a dit :
It's been ages since I came here! I should have came right back when my computer situation got resolved ! I love this topic ^^

@Glen Coco I agree with Van Damsel. A "feeling-good buddy film" is a film that has a light hearted, easy going feel to it, with good intention and nothing heavy. Perhaps like a comedy, with endearing characters, and a story line that will make you feel warm inside, you know what I mean? ^^

"Bleeding-heart bores" to me sounds like it could mean "heart-breaking", "sad", "pathetic" ? But I have absolutely no clue what it means exactly. I even tried to googled it with no success.

I think "bleeding-heart bores" implies that the people he's interviewing are so boring they make his heart bleed. "Bore" literally means "raseur", and you can all work out what "bleeding-heart" is ;)
3 Juillet 2009
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♡ de Môme Van Damsel Ithurielle Thank you for the explanation, it really helped me for my homeworks and also because i love learning new English expressions :) I absolutely love this topic, it's always really helpful and you're all very nice, so yeah, that's cool :cretin:

And thank you Van Damsel, i always make that mistake, i don't know why, i know you have to use the present after "when" but i still write "will" :facepalm:
26 Octobre 2011
2 304
Thanks to the series Skins, I also can be rude in English. When I watch it I'm learning bad words, not wasting my time. It's marvelous, isn't it? (yes I am the girl who says rubbish just because she wants to talk)
26 Octobre 2011
2 304
Alecto;2788059 a dit :
New series airs on the 26th (or 27th) of January! I'm not that excited, I did not like that much series 5... can barely remember the characters! I really miss Tony, Cassie and Sid...

Neither do I, even if I really like the character called Matty, can you remember him? he's Nick's brother.
And I really really miss the first generation too, Chris, Jal, Michelle, Maxxie, Anwar... that was when the series was both beautiful and funny, not that bunch of trash (even though I really liked the second generation too)
I've been in London yesterday. Going there for only a day is the most frustrating thing ever.
That must be like the 18th time I go there but this time was special. Days like these when you feel like a whole city welcomes you with open arms.

While I was in the car, waiting for the lights to turn green, a taxi went just next to me, and I was kind of face to face with the man at the back of the cab. We shared a look and both smiled. Made me feel good.

Then, like a good materialistic person would, I spent amounts on extravagant clothing. Made me feel good. Not sure I'll feel this way when I'm broke.

Making my way to Carnaby Street, I got arrested by a young boy of my age, who simply told me "Yeah, you know I think you're really cute and I felt I needed to tell you that, what's your name ? Don't you know you just stroke my heart right in the middle ?" My ego exploded. Made me feel good.

Finally I entered one of those magnificent fancy shops that can be found in Carnaby. There were good old rockabilly music down there. I started to dance. The young lady in charge laughed and started to dance too. We got on well together, after a chat she asked me if I wanted to go out with her and her friends 'cause I "looked crazy and shit". Too bad I was only there for a few hours left. But made me feel good.

My heart belongs here.
23 Juin 2011
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I fucking love having a British and a French address: double sales shopping for meeee. Plus some brands are like half-price compared to what you usually see in France, so it makes me feel like a VIP when I get stuff and don't pay nearly as much as my sister. Mwahaha.

18 days before I'm back in the UK, we've already planned a massive meal with my Swiss-French friend, and a macaron-making session with my flatmate, as I brought loads of caramel au beurre salé, OM NOM NOM.

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