MadmoiZelle speaks English

23 Juin 2011
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Lison Frisson;2802635 a dit :
CARAMEELLLL ! i have to bring back some too...and fraises tagada also, (damn UK, I love this country, but...what about T A G A D A ? they have no idea of what they re missing, poor roastbeef).

I can't wait to get back there, I've realised that I don't have my friends in France anymore, since they're all abroad, doing their own erasmus' thing, and we're all run out of, no friend. And tonight it's the eve, but I don't want to celebrate it, each time everyone is trying to the biggest party ever; and it always end up as a regular one, or tonight, I'll just get stuffed of good things that I can't have in UK, and work, work and work.

I might have made many mistakes, if someone feels like being an english teacher and correct me, feel free.

I concur, the UK's choice of Haribo sweets is dreadful. Luckily I managed to find a party for tonight, simply to pass the time, I don't feel like staying home completely by myself tonight, and I need to check the talent in Rennes, it's been far too long?

Tiny things:
*We've all ran out of money
*it's New Year's Eve (eve juste means "veille")
*I'll stuff myself with good things

23 Juin 2011
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Alecto;2803044 a dit :
(and always "the" UK)

I need to get out of here, I've lost my faith in Paris, people are so rude and arrogant, I miss my island.

I came back to France on the 15th December, got out of my Eurostar, got the metro, and as I was struggling with my suitcases in those fucking stupid retarded stairs (METRO, Y U HAS NO LIFT/ESCALATORS?!), someone bumped into me quite violently before insulting me copiously for a good three minutes as I was making my way to my next stop. Oh, Paris.
23 Juin 2011
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Lison Frisson;2804284 a dit :
Thanks (i'm pretty relieved, i thougth it would be worse).

@Ithurielle, defintely Paris :stare: (but I still miss my little tiny cutie city...okay, not that little tiny cutie city, but I really love Paris :jv: )

My boyfriend called me last night to wish me an happy new year, he was trying to speak french (and he was dead cute). It was quite hard for me to talk with him, barely 2 weeks in France, speaking french, and my english is already damaged...damn it :stare:

Be glad it's not the other way round, haha, I spend a good 10min every day trying to remember the French for some words. "J'ai deux parties à attendre" (I have to attend two parties), "je vais prendre une nappe" (I'm gonna take a nap), etc?
23 Juin 2011
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Lison Frisson;2804315 a dit :
@Ithurielle Oh yeah, I forgot you're the girl who hasn't any french accent when she's speaking french :d

I hope my english'll get fixed asap I'll back. I don't want to live again my first weeks of "whaaaat the fuck is goiiiing on"...

I definitely have a French accent when I speak French, but one could wonder whether I actually speak French when I think I do? :sweatdrop:
23 Juin 2011
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. Kaz;2826849 a dit :
You're mutating into a British person !

But you know what? Feel blessed, because our 'frenchness' doesn't sound so great in other languages. I'm pretty sure that sounding english in spanish is still far better than sounding French XD

I wouldn't be too sure. I tend to switch my French accent back on if I'm trying to get a guy and it works pretty much every time. I don't get it.
6 Février 2011
. Kaz;2826849 a dit :
You're mutating into a British person !

But you know what? Feel blessed, because our 'frenchness' doesn't sound so great in other languages. I'm pretty sure that sounding english in spanish is still far better than sounding French XD

Yeah, I guess so ^^
AND she focuses on that, and doesn't listen to me too carefuly, so she doesn't hear how shitty my spanish is \o/
23 Juin 2011
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Jehn.;2827285 a dit :
Hahaha, I agree! During my study abroad last year, I stopped being ashamed of my French accent (which is not too awful, but still pretty noticeable) when I realized it was one of the easiest way to get a guy's attention and that they found it cute. I will always remember that one guy who I got introduced to at a party, and who told me right away after hearing my voice "Woooow! You're that French lady who talks on the radio! Your show's awesome!" (I was part of a student-run radio) :yawn: Never felt more like some sort of celebrity, haha.

I managed to pretty much get rid of mine (I got to the point where people ask me why my French is so good, bahaha), but if I put it on, everyone's like "oooh, it's amazing, why do you not speak like that more often?!"

. Kaz;2827376 a dit :
I love this ! :yawn:

So the myth that people from other countries enjoy hearing our french accent is true !? That's really surprising, but also a great news considering that my english is quite french, haha.

But seriously, what the hell do they find so cute/attractive about it O_o

I don't know about you, but I find the British accent cute in French, so I guess it's the same for them, haha.
27 Août 2009
2 050
4 044
Hi Girls, I haven't written here for a while. I am really trying to improve my English level, and I think that so far, thanks to school, it is going pretty well.

My resolutions for 2012 are to read one English article per week, and also to read a small book (I bought two English books last year, and I did not finished them...). I am currently searching for TV series/ movies in streaming in VO with English subtitles, do you know where I can find that? I think it would help a lot.

Otherwise, do you know where I can find web sites with some multiple-choice questionnaire? I think it could be a great idea to practice daily.
14 Juillet 2010
3 874
Just a small and quick intrusion to say that I never noticed this topic before, and it's a huge pleasure for me to discover it and read all of you... :jv:
I'm going abroad to see a very good friend near to Portland after this week-end, but I'll come back soon :happy:

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