Lison Frisson;2802635 a dit :CARAMEELLLL ! i have to bring back some too...and fraises tagada also, (damn UK, I love this country, but...what about T A G A D A ? they have no idea of what they re missing, poor roastbeef).
I can't wait to get back there, I've realised that I don't have my friends in France anymore, since they're all abroad, doing their own erasmus' thing, and we're all run out of, no friend. And tonight it's the eve, but I don't want to celebrate it, each time everyone is trying to the biggest party ever; and it always end up as a regular one, or tonight, I'll just get stuffed of good things that I can't have in UK, and work, work and work.
I might have made many mistakes, if someone feels like being an english teacher and correct me, feel free.
I concur, the UK's choice of Haribo sweets is dreadful. Luckily I managed to find a party for tonight, simply to pass the time, I don't feel like staying home completely by myself tonight, and I need to check the talent in Rennes, it's been far too long?
Tiny things:
*We've all ran out of money
*it's New Year's Eve (eve juste means "veille")
*I'll stuff myself with good things