MadmoiZelle speaks English

22 Décembre 2008
3 714
Caesonia;2652417 a dit :
Hey ! I need to practice my english everyday but I don't know how (classes, homeworks, tv :cretin:). This is why I need you :P I'm looking for some podcasts or radio I could listen in the subway... Have you any idea of where I should look for ? ^^' What english / american / or whatever radio are you listening (if you do) ?

Hey ! I listen Radio Caroline, there is an article on Madmoizelle where you can download it and put it on your Itunes.
Have a nice day :)
18 Septembre 2009
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Alecto;2654957 a dit :
I've heard a very good joke. Fishermen from France were out on a pub, got pretty drunk and kept asking women if they liked sea-men. But their pronunciation was rubbish, so it looked like they were saying "do you like semen?" - and i'll let you search if you don't know what it is :d

23 Juin 2011
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Alecto;2660383 a dit :
It really annoys me not knowing my level (C1? C2? C1.5?)...

C1 Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognise implicit meaning. Can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes. Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.

C2 Can understand with ease virtually everything heard or read. Can summarise information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation. Can express him/herself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in the most complex situations.

It's that very thin difference between being really, really good at English and having absolutely no problem with it whatsoever. It's not easily quantified without taking a language test, unfortunately, and it's a difference that is also very subjective. I was C1 when I started at university, now I'm sure to be a C2, but I don't feel *that* much has changed, only my slang, the way I can use more academic and more flowery English, and my accent.

kombucha: *a piece of advice, it's one of those generalising nouns with which you need "a piece of", like "information" (a piece of information), or even "cereal", haha.
3 Juillet 2009
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I gotta "translate" something for my homework "C u later NOT :sad:" so i got the "see you later" but i don't know about the NOT, some people told me it was for "nasty old thing", or "ugly", "not hot", etc... So what should i write ? Tbh, it's the first time ever i see that word :cretin:
29 Septembre 2011
Today in my english class, I wanted to say I'm not a good cook. And I said "I'm not a good cooker". The teacher corrected my sentence... But I wonder how she did to stay serious. God... when I understood my mistake, I had the picture of a cooker in my head and I thought my mistake was awfull Ahahahah

For those who want to find a website to improve their english, I found this link: Learning English - Home

(And of course, you're welcome to correct my bad english ahahah).
Just heard a song of the very beginnings of Pink Floyd, reminded me of my trip to Cambridge when I was fifteen.
I asked my exchange to show me where Syd Barret's house were, and we've been there with some of her friends. Too bad for them I was already pretty fluent in the language, and I could understand them sayin' "What does that french freak wants to do in here ? That's just a house hey ? Who's that guy anyway ?" BRITISH LAD, Y U NO KNOW UR CLASSICS ?
Okay, maybe I looked scary, picking up rocks from the rockstar's former garden, but well... come on...

That trip was kinda weird. My exchange was Korean, and her family too, so when they were talking at lunch time, I couldn't understand a single word of their conversations. I'm sure they made fun of me the whole time haha. Bastards.
23 Juin 2011
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Tracy Jacks;2692879 a dit :
Just heard a song of the very beginnings of Pink Floyd, reminded me of my trip to Cambridge when I was fifteen.
I asked my exchange to show me where Syd Barret's house were, and we've been there with some of her friends. Too bad for them I was already pretty fluent in the language, and I could understand them sayin' "What does that french freak wants to do in here ? That's just a house hey ? Who's that guy anyway ?" BRITISH LAD, Y U NO KNOW UR CLASSICS ?
Okay, maybe I looked scary, picking up rocks from the rockstar's former garden, but well... come on...

That trip was kinda weird. My exchange was Korean, and her family too, so when they were talking at lunch time, I couldn't understand a single word of their conversations. I'm sure they made fun of me the whole time haha. Bastards.

I know the Pink Floyds as a band, I'd never be able to give you the name of their singer, haha.

I'm in Oxford at the moment, there was a graduate open day, today, and they gave us 10% discount in Blackwell's, which is the best bookshop ever. The one is Oxford is absolutely, fantabulously humongous and I had a tough time making my mind up about which book I was gonna buy. Ended up getting some Arabic flashcards, apparently the pack I got is one of the last few in British shops, epic win.
23 Juin 2011
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Tracy Jacks;2693035 a dit :
That's alright, Barrett leaved the band early anyway. Thing is the boy I mentionned didn't know Pink Floyd at all. It's like living in Lille and not knowing Dany Boon haha ! (my comparison is so bad my self-esteem just melt )

Hahaha, disgraceful! (The joke and the guy's ignorance)
3 Avril 2008
4 734
Hello ladies ! I have an interview in english for my English Litterature Class and i have to chose 2 short stories by Woolf, Lawrence Waugh or Hardy, and analyse it. A website of short stories analysis would be really helpfull but it's not easy to find... does anyone know a good one ?

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