MadmoiZelle speaks English

23 Octobre 2010
1 084
La Baule
It kinda is... but not all the time, haha. Like, right now, I'm taking this juvenile justice course and this is just not my thing! But soon I'll take evidence (DNA, fingerprints and all those stuff), I'm exciteeeed!

I'm in the lost state of Oklahoma... at Cameron University CU Home - Cameron University (in Lawton ). This is a pretty small town, and I guess it's alive mostly thanks to the students!

But still, I love it :chat:
23 Juin 2011
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Bathilda Fritton;2877814 a dit :
Oh my god you're studying in Manchester that is just awesomastic. I'm actually so jealous of the fact that at the end of your bachelor (is that the name of your diploma in England)? you'll be speaking a perfect brit english. Im studying at McGill university in montreal and I've almost completely lost my british accent/expressions (although i still use my brit slang such as "prick" "wanker" or regular words like jumpers or jumpsuits or tracksuits - here they say sweaters and sweatpants... god I hate north american accent, it sounds as if they're shitting themselves everytime they speak. Ew.)
I reaaaaally want to come back to london after my bachelor here. My ultimate dream would be to make Kings, UCL or Oxbridge but they all want a minimum GPA of 3.5 (out of 4) and this is sooo hard to obtain.
Are you enjoying Manchester? How is it? I've always been in the south of England (one year in london and some holidays in Devon, Exeter...) Isn't the accent really peculiar in the north (ie Alex Turner, Jack O'Connell or Lauren Socha - they have such strong accents)

Yeah, I get a BA (or I should, haha, final year is sooo much work!) Manchester is awesome, it's got the reputation of being rainy and windy, but I'm from Brittany originally, so it's not like I'm actually bothered by the weather, haha. The locals' accent can be really strong, although I've got used to it now, but because there's people from so many places at Manchester, I don't really have to deal with really strong accents.

I did go to McDonald's in Liverpool once, and had to ask the lady to repeat what she said three times. Turned out she was just asking me if I wanted ketchup?! But as a general rule, you're right the more "up north" (or should I say "oop north", haha) you go, the "worse" the accent get. I understand mild Scottish and Irish accents, but if it gets too much, not a chance!
14 Juillet 2010
1 079
Hi ! I'm 17 and I would like to speaking english to improve because it's important for my futur. If there is a person who wants to talk with me about anything...
I know it's difficult what I'm asking because I would like this person says me when I make mistakes..
23 Juin 2011
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Lison Frisson;2890143 a dit :
@Ithurielle ahah I was there two weeks ago, and indeed, it was rainy, windy and fucking cold. Here, I have to deal with the jordish accent (i m note sure of spelling it right). Doon to toon, thats all i'm able to understand so far.

Hahaha, the geordie accent is a bit extreme, Manchester's nowhere near as bad as that!
25 Février 2012
Hi, Kos,

I've also done a "option européenne" and I tried to translate it by "intensive training in german"... It sounds a bit ridiculous but I haven't found any suggestion for this part. I think that "european class" won't mean anything for the employer :neutral: About the "mention", I just told that I obtained a distinction with an average of 14 out of a possible 20. I've read in a book that telling its note was totally normal, though I found the expression a little weird.
Typing the cover letter is better ! It's more pactrice and the employers won't search for a hand written letter !
18 Septembre 2011
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Maybe you could imagine the kind of questions you will be asked and what you will answer. Then practice how to say these answers.
I often find that reading aloud increases my ability to speak fluently. And I often speak to myself in English, too :icon_4laugh:

Good luck for your interview !
27 Octobre 2008
4 699
St Quentin Fallavier
Hi everybody !

I'm writing a dissertation, in english obvioulsy, and I'm experiencing trouble with a word.
I would like to know the difference between counterfeit and counterfeiting.
I guess counterfeit is the verb, but I saw it sometimes used as a noun.
I would like to know if I can use both as nouns, or only counterfeiting.
For example, when I want to say : "La contrefaçon est un fléau de notre société", should I use countefeit or counterfeiting ??

Thank you so much in advance !
23 Juin 2011
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I got into St Andrews for a Masters degree, I can't believe it!

Bathilda Fritton;2996660 a dit :
Hey there!
Sometimes I despise the fact that i'm studying in Canada and has to write all my essays/paper/exams in english. I mean, i'm struggling with my history research paper which is supposed to about 15 pages long on "the political significance of Rousseau's thought", and siriusly, I'm talking about the french revolution all along and using the work of french authors, so really, whats the point with writing it in english. I wish I could just finish it off in french cos it would actually have clearer arguments and make more sense.
But oh well. What can you really do.

Haha, I struggle going back to French! My family constantly takes the piss out of me for not being able to speak French anymore, and I honestly struggle to write posts on this website, sometimes !
23 Juin 2011
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Bathilda Fritton;2998028 a dit :
Oh, my god. I have lost my ability to even. So we agree on that the Biggest and Most Annoying Issue when ur an expat in an english speaking country is the fact that you can't really speak a proper english ... AND YET CAN NO LONGER SPEAK A PROPER FRENCH AS WELL.
same here: I realise now I have to make constant efforts when I have to speak a perfect french (like, to my friends back in france/family) because its sooo freaggin easy to switch from one language to the other... Put yo hands up if u've ever done the classic "je suis complètement dépressée"! But honestly why bother trying to speak a perfect french when you know you can always perform such marvellous examples of frenglish as "c'était pas du tout ce que j'expectais he would do (cmon I'm not the only one here)" rather than struggling to say it in proper french? What would it be anyway? "c'était pas du tout ce que je pensais qu'il ferait?" does that even make sense? :facepalm:
There's also the fact that i'm in Montreal and speaking both french and english all the time. Doesnt really help.

And btw, congraaaats for making st andrewssss!!! I have a friend there in undergrad tho. But its actually so cooool.

I told my mum a couple of times that I was gonna "avoir une nappe" instead of have a nap? I don't actually do the whole "frenglish" where I mix up the two of them, because I'm really quite anal about never using English in French if I can avoid it, but my syntax suffers quite a lot, haha
10 Janvier 2011
1 644
Hi, it's the first time I post here but I'm sooo with you, franglish all the way (but I actually hate it, when I do it) when I'm on the phone with my parents they, sometimes, tell me to say it again in french, like "ma nouvelle voiture c'est une petrole" or "je vous collecterai a la station de train"... Glade to know I'm not the only one :)
14 Juillet 2010
1 079
Bathilda Fritton;2996661 a dit :
hey there, i know you posted this some time ago but I d love to help you out :)
And if I can just give you a few tips, best way to improve your english is to watch movies/read books in english. Anf if you're scared you wont understand a thing, start off with easy children books, and remember you've always got subtitiles to help you out with the movies :)

but yeah, lemme know if you're still interested!

I know for the movies, I watch Friends in english, but I would like to speak with people, tell our life in english :)

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