MadmoiZelle speaks English

1 Août 2011
4 162
3 145
5 684
Bathilda Fritton;3096679 a dit :
Also hey hey Minh Tuyêt didn't think I'd find you here :joy: trying to prepare for a possible and unexpected meeting with Andrew/Benny/Martin are we?
Sure, I want my English to be perfect when I meet them :cretin:

Reading you about Montreal is funny: I had to choose a place for an internship this summer, and I really wanted to go to an English speaking country in order to improve my English. I planned to go to Canada (if possible Vancouver) but I didn't find any job there. There were some jobs offers in Quebec, especially Montreal, but I refused to go there cause I don't want to spend 4 months speaking almost only French (and what a French right XD). Some of my friends went to Montreal and they told me nobody speaks English there.
And now you tell me you can switch from a language to the other one, grr.... I'd have loved that!
(As I'm sure you're wondering: I actually go to Hanoi, Vietnam... :cretin:)

As for the anglicismes: please, fight them, be strong! è_é I hate people who distort French language so much.

If you don't mind can you tell me: how long have you been in Canada? And why are you there? :d
Anyway it's such a pleasure to read you :) (please don't hesitate to correct me if you see any mistake in my posts!)
18 Avril 2008
1 346
2 484
I would like to say to all young girls coming here that you have to live the experience of living in another country.
I really regret that I didn't think of that (or have not been informed) when I was a student, although I loved studying english...
Now it's too late for me, I have to work, pay my bills, and love my boyfriend :).
Go ahead girls !
18 Septembre 2011
1 479
1 986
2 144
Dyx;3114249 a dit :
Girls, I would like to understand what this song of Lady Gaga is really talking about.
Is that a girl who has a crush on her best friend (as a lesbian) ? Or it is just a song on her best friend ?
Lady Gaga - So Happy I Could Die - OFFICIAL The Fame Monster Version + Lyrics [HQ] - YouTube

Yeah I've always thought that it was a lesbian crush too. But then, it's not only a matter of knowing English, it's also a matter of deciphering song meanings, which I'm not really good at.
1 Avril 2012
2 894
ST Nicolas lez arras
I'm listening "What makes you beautiful" of One Direction, because I need somebody tells me that I'm beautiful. Actually, if I'm very honest, I love their album and I'm 20, because it makes me smile ! :shifty:

I'm not very confident in my english.:erf: so sorry if I make mistakes.
18 Septembre 2011
1 479
1 986
2 144
Miss Catastrophe;3125989 a dit :
I'm listening "What makes you beautiful" of One Direction, because I need somebody tells me that I'm beautiful. Actually, if I'm very honest, I love their album and I'm 20, because it makes me smile ! :shifty:

I'm not very confident in my english.:erf: so sorry if I make mistakes.

Don't worry, you haven't made any mistakes ! There's only one thing, but I can't say it's a mistake: I'd rather say "What makes you beautiful" by One Direction.
29 Octobre 2009
4 754
Alecto;3126488 a dit :
I've always hated that, good luck! But I miss British history so much <3

Oh, I think I've made a mistake .. Phonectics is ..
Phonetics is going to kill me as well as Grammar :facepalm: .

Thank you :jv:

Ahah, I really like British history too :happy: .
26 Avril 2009
5 452
23 908
5 944
Hello everybody
I met a american boy, a georgous man, but my english level isn't good, so i decided to improve my english for him because he doesn't speak french!! Isn't so cute?!!
24 Mars 2012
2 084
2 930
5 194
One of my dreams is to speak English.. but I don't know how I can learn this language alone. Somebody have any ideas ? I suppose I have to learn list of vocabulary to improve my English but it's a little bit boring :happy: I know I'm not speak very well sorry if you found some mistake ! :)
27 Août 2009
2 050
4 044
Pimpanela;3139553 a dit :
One of my dreams is to speak English.. but I don't know how I can learn this language alone. Somebody have any ideas ? I suppose I have to learn list of vocabulary to improve my English but it's a little bit boring :happy: I know I'm not speak very well sorry if you found some mistake ! :)

Well, I'm not a specialist, but I guess that you could read some articles of UK/US newspapers (The Times, The Guardian, The BBC...) online.
You also could watch series/ movies in VOSTFR or VO :)
Of course, if you decide to learn list of vocabulary it would help, but I am afraid that you'll soon become discouraged :erf: The easiest thing to do would be to read about subjects that interest you but in English :)

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