MadmoiZelle speaks English

18 Avril 2008
1 346
2 484
I think I'm far of Skins mentality, I feel disappointed when I see teenagers drinking, partying and having (or talking) sex all the time lol. ^^
That's why I prefer funny series that are not always realistic (like The Simpsons, South park, The big bang theory, Friends and much more).

(I like to speak english, thanks for the topic)
22 Avril 2009
10 279
15 440
6 454
yeepi thx for this topic that's great :)
I don't really like skins tv show either i can't get into this humor :S That's too unsubtle to me. I saw a tv ad for dollhouse and i recognized the main actress from "tru calling"'s tv show. I think i'm gonna watch it on the web :)
Oh and i heard tf1 will broadcast "private practice" tv show soon :d can't wait to see that (i loved addison character from grey's A')


Wayzea;1259959 a dit :
Oho... And what did you find?
Humm, well... Seems like i'm quite interesting with it tonight...

Yes, what did you find? I'm interested too...
30 Août 2009
4 754
Tangerine;1261098 a dit :
Hey, thanks for the topic! That's a great idea!
Like Maelie, I've been living in England for a year (same year) and I really miss my English life, talking, thinking, listening, dreaming in English. Just can't wait to be in February to go back to an English-speaking country! And hope i'll be able to stay and live over there. Don't like living in France.

What's the difference between living in Paris and living in London ?
Tell us ! Make us dream :d
22 Avril 2009
10 279
15 440
6 454
Ki-moon;1260467 a dit :
Now I look Friends in VO, and I understand the most episode.
Hehe, I'm kind of proud of me.
congrats to you i do the same thing for OTH. For the most oh the episode it's ok except basketball language and some slang i don't know for the moment.

Tangerine;1261098 a dit :
Hey, thanks for the topic! That's a great idea!
Like Maelie, I've been living in England for a year (same year) and I really miss my English life, talking, thinking, listening, dreaming in English. Just can't wait to be in February to go back to an English-speaking country! And hope i'll be able to stay and live over there. Don't like living in France.
I think i understand you i don't like living in France either for personal and professional reasons. But for the most important to me for the culture. I'm not saying France is an awful country etc but it doesn't fit me i feel sad, depressed, i feel lock in a box. and i love speaking english because that's a language i like to explore and understand. Understand why people say this instead of that, where some word comes from etc. Personally i'd like to in USA (and Japan) and discover the whole country.


I love this idea.
I really dislike the fact that in medical studies (1st year) we don't have any english lessons. I think that is really important.

I got a question, a doubt: how do you say "à partir de mainteanant" in english?

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