MadmoiZelle speaks English

16 Août 2007
4 884
Alizuko;1263034 a dit :
First of all i want to excuse me about what i'm going to do and i'll understand if you're angry with :S
But we're all here for progressing and i've noticed you make some mistakes in you sentences, so i took the liberty to correct you :)

*you wrote "but, i believe" you'd like to say "mais je crois que...", here you have to use "think" verb instead of "believe" one. "Believe" is for sth you you believe in you know, you're sure. And "think" for sth you're not certain but i could be. Well that's how i've been taught to use these verbs .

* you wrote " go somewhere the next year" you should write " to go somewhere next year". "the" is used when the sentence is past one, when it's present tense there's no article between the word and "next".

*you wrote "... a mistake telling this" i think you'd like to say "une erreur en disant ça". You forgot to write "by" between "mistake" and "telling".

Well i really i didn't upset you because my first intention is helping other madz (and be helped by them) to improve in english :)

Indeed, i forgot "by" between "mistake" and "telling", i didn't see it.
On the contrary, i didn't know the difference between believe and think, and for "the" next year. So, you taught me something !
Sure, you're welcome for helping us.
29 Décembre 2005
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8 434
How about we also use this topic to teach one another expressions or words we stumble upon (watching TV shows, movies, reading, speaking with other people and so on)?

For instance, if you're interested in slang and "casual" English there are some websites that are really awesome, like Urban Dictionary (for really everything, it's like the Wikipedia of slang), and Internet Slang (for all the abbreviations like LOL, idk, brb...).

There's an expression which I think is really funny, maybe you already know it: "pardon/excuse my French". Basically it means "pardon my profanity" and you say it before insulting someone haha!
Examples found on Urban Dictionary: Pardon my French, but you're an asshole!, Excuse my French, but that guy is such a fucking douche!
Love it :d
22 Avril 2009
10 279
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6 454
Maelie;1264249 a dit :
Well I think suspensiOn is right, you wouldn't hear that in England, it really sounds like a gallicism, even if it is gramatically correct. (or I think that's possible to hear that but it sounds really really posh ! Maybe at the Queen's house ? :d )

Bleuenn, I really love this :d pardon my french but you're a stupid morron ! hahahaha I'll say it to my colleagues tomorrow ! I really prefer swearing in English, sounds far better than french !
Maybe in UK but what about USA? Well the goal is to be understood so if i tell it and after this people stare at me i could smile gniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :d XD

@sheldrake i'm happy taht i could taught you sth ;)
8 Septembre 2008
11 894
4 637
8 364
I really love reading this topic. I'm missing London. It's been a while that I don't go there. I have to practise because I feel that I declined(?) since I'm @ the university. Nevertheless my level is not too bad. I hope.
18 Août 2008
2 039
2 524
Here Or There
Bleuenn;1263908 a dit :
How about we also use this topic to teach one another expressions or words we stumble upon (watching TV shows, movies, reading, speaking with other people and so on)?

For instance, if you're interested in slang and "casual" English there are some websites that are really awesome, like Urban Dictionary (for really everything, it's like the Wikipedia of slang), and Internet Slang (for all the abbreviations like LOL, idk, brb...).

There's an expression which I think is really funny, maybe you already know it: "pardon/excuse my French". Basically it means "pardon my profanity" and you say it before insulting someone haha!
Examples found on Urban Dictionary: Pardon my French, but you're an asshole!, Excuse my French, but that guy is such a fucking douche!
Love it :d

The Urban Dictionnary is pretty funny,I found some expressions that made me laugh so loud :biggrin:

I agree with your ideas,let's gather in this topic our basic idioms and slang that we've found up to now,so we can improve our English not only in the spoken English but also in the written one.
22 Avril 2009
10 279
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6 454
Maelie;1264543 a dit :
Not sure about the US, I'm more interested in british english.
But you said something important anyway : the most important is to be understood. :)

(The only difference is if you want to sound more english or french that speaks english, but in any case, people will understand you.)
For my part i prefer US one ('coz i wanna line in USA lol) that's why sometimes my expressions can be weird lol

For my part i have a slang paper dictionary i use when i'm working on my course. It's harrap's edition. I bought it thx to a pack of dictionary sold to 15? this one includes normal dictionary, slang one, grammar and verbs dictionary. That's really helpful and i recommend it. There's the same thing for spanish language (and i bought it too lol)
29 Décembre 2005
10 133
6 333
8 434
Winter River;1265975 a dit :
Actually, my parents live in Chicago, a city I love even more than New York! It's so cold out there in winter, and there's snow everywhere, it's just fantastic for Christmas!

I :heartbeat: Chicago! I went there last year in December and it was freezing cold, but so amazing!! The Bean is my favorite thing ever, haha. And the art museum is great! I loved everything about that city. Do you go there often?
30 Août 2008
2 374
Oh you're so lucky ! I'd like to go to NYC, Seattle, Chicago and Boston. And maybe LA but, I don't know, it doesn't attract me that much...But if someone offers me a trip to LA, I won't refuse of course !

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