MadmoiZelle speaks English

31 Août 2008
9 289
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Fée-Mini-Ne;1261414 a dit :
I love this idea.
I really dislike the fact that in medical studies (1st year) we don't have any english lessons. I think that is really important.

I got a question, a doubt: how do you say "à partir de mainteanant" in english?

I would say 'for now', which means something like 'à présent'.
16 Août 2007
4 884
Ohh this topic is a great idea...
This year i have to improve my english because of the exams. I put all my hopes in this subject. Actually, i'm not scared about writing. To me, it's more easier to write than speak because if you don't remember a word anymore or if you don't know how you can say something, you can find the solution quickly. Explain with other terms, without showing your hesitation. But, english is primarily a spoken language, therefore i fully understand that we must try it. I really would like to be a journalist, so english will be important for my future, for my job. I have to be fluently, that's why when i will be to the university i plan to go abroad for one year or a little more.
Otherwise, we are finally on holidays but i'm a bit angry. I wanted to see all people whose i couldn't spend time lately (I'm not sure about this sentence. I tried to say "je voulais voir tous les gens avec qui je n'ai pas pu passer du temps dernièrement" but "avec qui" bothered me).. But, i have a lot of homework, especially in philosophy and consequently, i have the impression to do only that. Fortunately, i go this friday in the north (Cabourg near Caen) for about three days. Can't wait for this moment. I wish the weather will be good, blue sky and sun, sun, sun. Because, be on holidays with rain and cold temperatures, no thanks.
16 Août 2007
4 884
suspensi0n;1262482 a dit :
I feel like talking in English, not just writing ! I'm never totally satisfied haha !

So, if you want to be totally satisfied, you should go abroad and you can also write and talk. But, i believe that i've read post from you on Madmoizelle and you've already plan to go somewhere the next year? I'm not sure, maybe i make a mistake telling this.
30 Août 2008
2 374
sheldrake;1262648 a dit :
So, if you want to be totally satisfied, you should go abroad and you can also write and talk. But, i believe that i've read post from you on Madmoizelle and you've already plan to go somewhere the next year? I'm not sure, maybe i make a mistake telling this.

Yes, you're right ! I can't wait !!!
I'm stressed, I hope I'll be admitted...
31 Août 2008
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Where do you wanna go Suspensi0n?

I'm missing Ireland tonight. It really misses me, i feel depressed and oppressed in France. As another Mad said, people there are so 'speed', i don't know how to explain... They all look bored, sad, and unhappy.

I do like the irish way of life. Enjoy life without any watch to check, pubs and stores are keeping open 'till late 7/7! Friendly people, rainy days....

22 Avril 2009
10 279
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6 454
sheldrake;1262648 a dit :
So, if you want to be totally satisfied, you should go abroad and you can also write and talk. But, i believe that i've read post from you on Madmoizelle and you've already plan to go somewhere the next year? I'm not sure, maybe i make a mistake telling this.

First of all i want to excuse me about what i'm going to do and i'll understand if you're angry with :S
But we're all here for progressing and i've noticed you make some mistakes in you sentences, so i took the liberty to correct you :)

*you wrote "but, i believe" you'd like to say "mais je crois que...", here you have to use "think" verb instead of "believe" one. "Believe" is for sth you you believe in you know, you're sure. And "think" for sth you're not certain but i could be. Well that's how i've been taught to use these verbs .

* you wrote " go somewhere the next year" you should write " to go somewhere next year". "the" is used when the sentence is past one, when it's present tense there's no article between the word and "next".

*you wrote "... a mistake telling this" i think you'd like to say "une erreur en disant ça". You forgot to write "by" between "mistake" and "telling".

Well i really i didn't upset you because my first intention is helping other madz (and be helped by them) to improve in english :)
30 Août 2008
2 374
Alizuko;1263034 a dit :
First of all i want to excuse me about what i'm going to do and i'll understand if you're angry with :S
But we're all here for progressing and i've noticed you make some mistakes in you sentences, so i took the liberty to correct you :)

Well i really i didn't upset you because my first intention is helping other madz (and be helped by them) to improve in english :)

Let me help you :P
"we're all here to progress" and not "for progressing"
"in youR sentences" : i think you forgot the "R"
"I took the liberty" ... i'm not sure, but i think it's not correct. I'd say "i felt free"
"i really i didn't upset" you forgot to write "hope"
22 Avril 2009
10 279
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6 454
suspensi0n;1263185 a dit :
Let me help you :P
"we're all here to progress" and not "for progressing"
"in youR sentences" : i think you forgot the "R"
"I took the liberty" ... i'm not sure, but i think it's not correct. I'd say "i felt free"
"i really i didn't upset" you forgot to write "hope"
lol thx fot he 1st one but i used because -ing form is also used when you say sth like "i'm not here for talking or listening to you!", d'you see what i mean?
about the other in fact i forgot words or letters when i write sth even in french spanish or japanese -_-"
About i took the liberty that a correct one i used it for one of my cv and i've made a research about it in my dictionary (se permettre de faire qch)

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