MadmoiZelle speaks English

27 Août 2009
2 050
4 044
Alecto;3407579 a dit :
I've just spent one week at a friend's, who's French, with a Dutch boyfriend. They use three languages to communicate on a daily basis. We had so many things to catch up, we were speaking French very quickly on the first evening. The boyfriend could not follow, she was sorry so we switched to English, and she said "you know for her [me] and for me, it's natural to speak both languages, it doesn't matter which one we speak"

This sentence haunts me. I've never put it into words, but yeah, natural. Normal.

Oh I wish someone could tell the same about me one day! Well, I'm still working, and the weather is realllly hot now. I'm so desperate because the beach is 10 minutes far away, but I can't go because I'm working all day long :cry:
The good thing about that is the fact that the majority of the visitors (I'm working for a museum right now) speak English so I practice. I've noticed that I made huge progresses this year, I have more vocabulary and I understand better than before, but there's still something wrong with my pronunciation... For example, I can't say "three", it sounds either like "tree" or like "free"... It pisses me off.


Hi! I'll study english at the university in September so I thought it'd be a great idea to write here with you!

But I'm afraid to join you, I think my english is really bad, clumsy sometimes!

I'm too shy :$

Btw, I want to watch a new english/american serie, can you suggest me about it? Thanks!
16 Avril 2009
4 724
I'll join you too !

Both my mother and my grandmother are english teachers, i used to pratice it a lot. I also had quite a few english or australian couchsurfers. But now, i don't meet that many english speaking people so i mainly read in english and don't write that much.
As you can see, i'm a little bit rusty and i can't wait to "speak" with you girls !


Alecto;3422138 a dit :
Which ones have you already seen? :)

In english without subtitles, Desperate Housewives. I really want to watch House MD but there is too much seasons for me! So, I'm looking for a new serie :)
5 Septembre 2011
4 361
5 942
3 904
If you want to laugh, I would recommend you New Girl, I love it ! How I met your mother is nice too.

If you want to be more serious, I absolutely love Awake.
Hello !
Okay, I'm finally joining you too :cretin: ! English has always been one of my favourite subject in school, so about a year or so I decided to start watching movies and tv shows in english with subtitles. It helped me to improve a lot, and I learned probably more than during my 7 years of english classes at school haha.
I also kinda fell completely in love with the british culture, and I want to go to London so badlyyy, I just wish there was a way I could go and finish my studies there.
Anyway, I never get any occasion to really speak in english, I just read and write it a little (thanks tumblr haha !), so I'm also looking for a correspondent because I definitely need more practice, and meanwhile I'm sure speaking with you will also be helpful :d.
So, hydracombusto, I agree with the others, Misfits is cool, and Serlock is pretty much outstanding. I personaly really like Doctor Who, it can be a little cheesy sometimes, especially at the beginning, but I think it might be one of the most british tv show ever haha, it's cult back there ! I'm currently watching Supernatural and it's also great.
(Oh god I'm gonna stop talking now, looks like I can be really talkative haha, sorry :cretin:)

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