MadmoiZelle speaks English

28 Août 2006
2 368
1 248
4 984
Hi ! I must improve my english (how do you say "à la rentrée" in english?) because in October, I'm going to start new studies (a new "formation"?), in fashion business. On the one hand, I'm soooo excited (and I just can't hide it, and I know I know I want you I want youuu) because I'm sûre it's gonna be awesome :shifty: and because that's what I wanna do ; but on the other hand, I will take an exam called IELTS at the end of the year and I'm really scared about it. :/ I will also have to (???) write a sort of "memoire" in english and it's freak me out too. =/

Soo I decided to download ( :shifty: ) my tv shows in english with (or without, it depends) subtitles, like some of you ! I chose How I met your mother and New girl. <3


hydracombusto;3411649 a dit :
Btw, I want to watch a new english/american serie, can you suggest me about it? Thanks!

Weeell you probably already know them but here are my suggestions : The Walking Dead (US), Futurama, American Dad (but these two are cartoons, don't know if you like that kind of things) Breaking Bad (US), Scrubs (US), Weeds (US), Cougar Town (US), Misfits (UK) ...
These last times i've been watching Malcolm In The Middle's episodes, it reminds me of my teenagehood, aha. Hope it helps (;
25 Avril 2011
I totally agree for Sherlock, of course, this show is just plain awesome! I'd recommend using subtitles perhaps if you're not too comfortable with the langage (even if you are, really :shifty: ).Sometimes when Sherlock rambles about his cases, I really can't follow much :cretin:

If you're into Sci-fi, there is an amazing show out there: Firefly (by Joss Whedon). Nathan Fillion is just amazing!
Supernatural too, even if they should have stopped when Kripke left, but that's another story, the first seasons are totally worth it! (and usually after an episode, I'm always like "Son of a B.." :cretin:, damned I love this show!)

It's gonna be hard not to speak english as often next year. I'll make sure to drop by frequently starting September.


17 Avril 2012
1 069
Hi girls !

Well I am pretty interest about english and american series. Obviously I must see Sherlock Holms, everybody is talking about it here.

But one question still haunt me, How do you manage to see all of those series? Tv, websites, downloading?

[if my sentences are not correct please fix it, it wont hurt me]
16 Avril 2009
4 724
patapouët;3426737 a dit :
Hi girls !

Well I am pretty interest about english and american series. Obviously I must see Sherlock Holms, everybody is talking about it here.

But one question still haunt me, How do you manage to see all of those series? Tv, websites, downloading?

[if my sentences are not correct please fix it, it wont hurt me]

Hello patapouët !
I'm using Eztv website : you can download a whole bunch of series.

Today's anecdote : I work in a callcenter and kids love to play prank on us. Sometimes, it's quite funny, sometimes, not that much.
But today, i got a kid who tried to convince me he was an english adult... Unfortunately for him, he was short on vocabulary (being 7 and all :langue: ) and i was feeling facetious.
So i spoke to him in english during 5 minutes, telling him he was not that good in english and that i was going to talk to his mother about it. All he could say was "yes, yes i'm english".
It was quite funny because i told him quite a lot of things and he finally hung up with the only other sentence he knew in english : "I love you'.

Sometimes i like my job. Sometimes...


BirthdayCake;3426002 a dit :
I'm aware that I come out of nowhere, buuuut... In two weeks, I will be in California :winky:
I don't realize actually, I've never taken the plane, I've never left Europa... Never been further than London :yawn:

Lucky you ! Are you going to live there for a little while or is it just for visiting and stuff ? I first took the plane about a year ago, to spend a year in Ireland : still Europe, but amazing experience ! Enjoy your trip, i'm pretty sure you'll have a good time :)
25 Avril 2011
BirthdayCake Sounds really interesting, I hope you'll have an amazing time there :)
Could you tell me more? Like how you found your host family, is there an age limit, and stuff like that? :fleur:

Tonight is one of the last time I'll have dinner with my friends. We made it a nice habit to gather for dinner every once in a while. I just want to pack them all in my luggage and take them with me.


Hi girls!
I'm new on the forum and I thought I could practice my written english even if I live in a bilingual city.It's hard sometimes to have exchanges with different people online.

Being newly in my own apartment is kind of hard, even if I live with my boyfriend. Someone can share their experience? Do you have some tricks for a clean and nice apartment? :)


Cyanea;3453430 a dit :
But actually, I'm in that strange situation where I can't help but speaking half french-half english. A thing I find extremely stupid. For instance, I was looking for a cutter yesterday. So I asked my collegues if they saw one, and I pronounced it with an english accent. Stupid.

Ahah. That's funny. I think that living for a good amount of time in a english speaking place does that. I mean, since I live in a bilingual city, all of my friends and I speak a mix between english and french. So our sentences looks like that.

'Aujourd'hui, je suis sortie chez Marie. C'était really nice because wow! les soldes étaient intense! J'adore ça quand everything est soldé'

I know its pathetic... but its fun. And then everyone acts like 'NO I DONT SPEAK ENGLISH!' and you are telling them 'Yes we do...There's a word on four in our sentences that are english words...'

Anyways....Story of our lives... :-)
27 Août 2009
2 050
4 044
Hey girls, I was just wondering, for the next English debate: would you like to comment on a movie instead on a "serious" subject? We could define a day and an hour and a movie, so we could watch it together and comment afterwards. What do you think? Which movie would you like to watch? :d
I think it would be great to alternate serious subjects with movie commentary, this way everyone can be satisfied :d !
Anyway, I was passing by to tell you that I finally got to speak english a little. My friend has an american cousin who came from California to spend a few weeks in France, but her parents don't speak a word of english. As she's like me and we basically watch the same shows and we both love the british culture, she called me and asked if I could come over to help her translating everything in french for her parents. So I spent three days with them, and we spoke a lot, I was really glad to see I was able to keep the conversation going quite easily, and my 'knowledge' wasn't just theoretical. Luckily she didn't have a strong american accent, and the Californians speak quite slowly, so it was easier. But it really was a great experience, and she invited me and my friend to the US next summer ; I'm not sure I'll be able to go, but it would be so nice :joy:!

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