MadmoiZelle speaks English

17 Septembre 2010
7 892
5 501
3 384
Hi guys!
I've had my answer from the Uni: I'm going to study litterature, civilisation and languages of anglophone countries next year. I can't wait.
And I also watched Sherlock, I started yesterday, finished today, and I don't wanna do anything but talk about it, again and again, and I want more of it, and now I feel empty as I do each time I'm finishing something I like. I should go tidy my flat before to leave it, but honestly I don't feel like brave enough today to go outside.
But I'm fine, really.
23 Août 2010
1 104
Yeaaaaaaah it's the first time I see this topic, I am glad for that because I am doinf a lot of grammar mistakes when I am writing, surely with this English Madz Topic I will improve that!
23 Novembre 2006
4 754
saint nazaire
Hello , It's the first time I post on this topic . I am actally house mother with a boy who's seven and a girl who's two . I want to improve my english for keep my mind awake . My father was english teacher but we are'nt very close .
20 Novembre 2008
2 234
Paris *
Hi first time there too, would like to speak in english (actually writte in english) more often.
Is there anybody ? =D I have seen that some madz are arguing about articles/videos would like to join
2 Mai 2012
4 764
Hi girls ! It's my first time too, I didn't know this topic, it's a very good idea ! It's very reactive here :d
I'm in the high school, and I would like to practise my english because my level is a bit poor - I was clueless in your topics ^^'.
5 Septembre 2011
4 361
5 942
3 904
Cereza-Chan;3401347 a dit :
This topic is a really good idea :)

What about a "coin boudoir" in English? (yeah, i'm only interested in sex and love actually, but my boyfriend is on holidays and I feel aloooooone... Could someone here give me a hug?)

Nearly the same here ! My boyfriend is just at home actually, 800 km from where I live. Yayy !
All my loving, I will send to you.
5 Septembre 2011
4 361
5 942
3 904
SuzeDream You're so lucky ! I miss my boyfriend... But he's coming on Thursday for 4 days, I'm so happy :jv:

I have to translate my resume, I'm struggling with it... I mean, I can make myself understood with sentences, but on a resume, you need the right expression, you can't make sentences. :facepalm:


Hi everyone, can I join you ?
I really need to practice my english this summer and i'd be happy to discuss with you all :)
See you soon on madmoizelle !

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