MadmoiZelle speaks English

14 Octobre 2011
1 837
9 776
5 674
I didn't spoke (?)
"I didn't speak" :happy:
Concerning the accent, mine is quite okay according to the people I met (native english speakers or other nationalities), I do not have an "british" or "american" accent but at least I do not have the french one. :cretin: And I developed it by listening to a lot of music in english and singing them again and again (pretty badly, I have to admit :coiffe:) in my room. I'd say that listening to a lot of english would help. Maybe you can try to put podcast/videos in english as a background noise when you are doing something else (cleaning your dishes for example ?), without trying to focus on what is being said, so you would get used to the accent without paying attention.
That's the method I used for german. I always had german tv programs as a background noise for a whole summer, and even if I didn't understand what was happening in those shows (show ? :hesite:) I lost part of my huuuge french accent. :happy:
29 Décembre 2014
2 224
Hey girls! Have you some tips to share, for improving my english? Unfortunately I don't have the time to watch movies without subtitles... Thanks a lot :happy:
  • Big up !
Réactions : Berserker
7 Août 2015
"I didn't speak" :happy:
Concerning the accent, mine is quite okay according to the people I met (native english speakers or other nationalities), I do not have an "british" or "american" accent but at least I do not have the french one. :cretin: And I developed it by listening to a lot of music in english and singing them again and again (pretty badly, I have to admit :coiffe:) in my room. I'd say that listening to a lot of english would help. Maybe you can try to put podcast/videos in english as a background noise when you are doing something else (cleaning your dishes for example ?), without trying to focus on what is being said, so you would get used to the accent without paying attention.
That's the method I used for german. I always had german tv programs as a background noise for a whole summer, and even if I didn't understand what was happening in those shows (show ? :hesite:) I lost part of my huuuge french accent. :happy:

It's a good method. It is also useful to see the different spellings in British English and American English, there are quite a few ;)
12 Août 2014
6 296
34 847
1 584
Heya! That's cool that such a tread exists. It would be a good opportunity to improve my english skill. Even if I studied English for 3 years, I'm not bilingual and still have problem with grammar... Shame on me

Don't worry, you can't technically be called "bilingual" unless you are perfectly fluent in both languages, which is very rare (it can happen if you have a parent from two differrnt countries with different languages, and that they teach you both languages, for instance). To really be bilingual, you have to be able to express yourself in both languages without any hesitation, it has to be natural (and in a correct language, obviously). I am a translator, from English into French, I've studied English for 15 years, and I would not consider myself bilingual. But I'm kinda nitpicking, only linguists cringe when they hear that someone calls themself bilingual when they're clearly not, they're just fluent enough in English. So no shame to have, 3 years is really not a lot to understand all the sophistication of a language, and clearly not enough to be bilingual.

By the way, I've never come to this topic, but I'm here to help if needed, even though I'm not a native English speaker, I work with this language everyday, so if I can be of any help :hello:
4 Août 2014
Hello ! Can I join you ? I would juste like to talk a bit in english, would some of you like to discuss/debate in english ? I didn't actually understand if this was only dedicated to tips and grammar corrections, or if it was an opened area for conversation :)
[If you notice some mistakes whenever I wrote in english and wanna correct me, please do]
10 Décembre 2015
Bon, déso mais là, je suis obligée d'écrire en français parce que sinon, vous n'allez pas me comprendre.
Je me débrouille en anglais écrit ( je comprends vos posts assez bien ) mais je comprends mal l'anglais parlé ( je regarde des films en vo sans sous-titres, plusieurs fois de suite s'il le faut et je fais des petits progrès :d ) . Mais, car il y a un "mais", je suis nulle à l'oral et pour écrire. Je ne comprends pas comment je pêux me débrouiller pour lire une langue, la comprendre et être incapable de me resservir de ce que je sais pour l'utiliser moi-même ( je pars du principe que je le sais au fond sinon je ne comprendrais pas ).
Du coup, vous avez des astuces? Et aussi un site en ligne pour travailler tout ça? Pour travailler la gramaire et les temps aussi?
Merci :d ( répondez en anglais, pour rester dans l'optique du topic et pour que je bosse) ( et puis globalement, vous êtes hyper lisibles! )
ps: j'ai pas fait d'anglais scolaire depuis 5 ans, j'ai pas de références culturelles et j'ai lu que c'était important de connaître ce qui a trait à une langue donc je prends aussi des conseils là-dessus si vous en avez.
  • Big up !
Réactions : Amalgamz et Miss Prism
26 Septembre 2015
3 734
Hi @Berserker ! I also have a strange tip for you: singing ;)
It might seem silly, but if your problem is pronunciation rather than comprehension, then it can help.
I often feel like I'm weird when I speak english in public, as if I was chewing a hot potato XD but it disapears when I sing. Besides, it's great for the vocabulary, and the "rythm" of sentences.

Also, I think @Alecto advises are great, the more you talk/ write, the better it gets. Keep up watching movies and series!
I don't have tips for grammar, unfortunately, but for cultural/ historical references, I watch "Horrible Histories" (you can find a lot of them on youtube).
I hope it will help you ;)
25 Décembre 2008
4 814
I spent 3 months in California to improve my english and get a new job in my field!
I really want not to forget all i learn about english! So if someone wants to share tips, and talking with me, i'm here!!
Thanks by advance!!
  • Big up !
Réactions : Miss Prism

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