MadmoiZelle speaks English

22 Novembre 2014
1 235
1 294
Bourg-Palette (tmtc)
@MilielaTigresse @Romilly Oh thanks ! Have you learned German and English at school ? And how did you learn with books or alone ? Because if you have some tips for help (in grammar, or mnemonic's advice) in the both language(s) ? (I don't know if I must add "s" in language XD because I think it's invariable but for some reason, I have a doubt..).
24 Avril 2014
1 306
4 509
1 044
@MilielaTigresse @Romilly Oh thanks ! Have you learned German and English at school ? And how did you learn with books or alone ? Because if you have some tips for help (in grammar, or mnemonic's advice) in the both language(s) ? (I don't know if I must add "s" in language XD because I think it's invariable but for some reason, I have a doubt..).
I learned first at school, but I was bad in English, and then I spent some time in Denmark, and English was easier than Danish ^^ THat's how I learned more. Then I started to watch TV in original soundtrack and that helped a lot. For German, I live in Germany, that forces me to speak and I improved very quickly. My advice: watch tv and read books in the language that you want to improve, and find someone to talk to..
22 Novembre 2014
1 235
1 294
Bourg-Palette (tmtc)
@Romilly Yeah, since October/November I watch all my series, and read a lot in English because I want to force myself to be in a english's context for make fast progress. It was really hard at the beginning but now it's ok because I havn't really the chose if i want to be better.
But it's different for my German, indeed it's a language who is difficult (for me) to find a lot of resources (on the net) like series in english with substiles in german.. Maybe it's just me, because I don't know where research or I didn't use good links.

@Beanie Oh Hi ! Yes, I have a little question. My teacher (she comes from US) said when we use "according to me" it's wrong but sometimes when I read or listen in english I see "according to me" so, Did she wrong when she say that ? Or is it true ?
  • Big up !
Réactions : Mlle C.
11 Décembre 2013
1 174
6 988
4 174
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Réactions : Beanie
26 Septembre 2015
3 734
Hey @Mlle C. ! I am a bit curious... What kind of work did you do? That seems interesting :)
Italian is nice too, I tried to study it but I had a terrible teacher who showed us video tapes which were already old fashioned in the 90's ^^
Did you learn it at school or do you have Italian-speaking relatives?
  • Big up !
Réactions : Mlle C.
26 Septembre 2015
3 734
Waw! You're lucky to have such a good experience, few people are allowed to share Cinderella and other princesses' daily life ;)
That must be quite a thing to be backstage and know things that the public don't.
I'm also looking for a job as a receptionnist or secretary, I wish you good luck :)

You're right, I should, I just need a motivation. When I had to improve my English in high school, I watched a lot of series and my passion for rock music helped a lot. I can't find the same kind of stuff, I don't know how to explain, I hope you see what I mean ^^
What I like in learning another language is that it's like having a "superpower", the ability to communicate with foreign people. And it's great if you want to travel.
If you had the possibility (time, money, ...), where would you go? :)
  • Big up !
Réactions : Mlle C.
26 Septembre 2015
3 734
Thanks! I had to come back home in the country in June, at the end of my "licence" (degree? I never know how to explain it in English ^^"). I miss the city and its endless possibilities... Like being able to take the bus/ tram when your f*cking car decides to ruin your day! (True story, I'm so angry right now).
Sorry for these disrespectful people you met, I'm often surprised when it happens to me, but maybe that's because I hang out too much on Madmoizelle ;) (such a safe zone!) At least, it might happen less often in your next job than it used to in the previous. (Fingers crossed!)

Oh I never thought of changing the dubbing, thanks :d
I'll try with something I've already seen.

Yeah, Italy seems really nice, so many museums and art and landscapes and old cities full of history..
Actually, we have these cities in common ^^ I'm also fascinated by London, and I wish someday I'll travel all around UK, maybe see places mentioned by Jane Austen :d
And the USA are also on my list. I'm still wondering where to start ;)
Is your friend from Finland or in Erasmus or something?
28 Mars 2013
2 520
9 282
1 604
Hi everyone!
I really neeeeeeeeeeeed to practice my english!
I'm actually in Ireland to practice but i have to speak in french with the kids and the mother talk to me in french (it's really annoying, i'm here since 7 months and my english is so so bad!!!) The father talk to me just briefly!
And (cherry on the cake) in Ireland you find more french or spanish than real irish!!
So yes! I have to speak here! (Funny isn't it? ^^)

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