MadmoiZelle speaks English

28 Août 2015
1 144
Hi ladies! :hello:
4-year foster Aussie here. I you would like to talk about this beautiful country, and/or learn some slang, and/or just have a casual conversation when you can't sleep at night (yes, there is a 9:30h difference with metropolitan France at the moment), I will be very pleased to have a chat with you.
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Réactions : Romilly et LNounette
24 Juin 2016
Hey! Have you got any advices for me to improve my accent? Because I don't have a bad english at all but when I speak I feel like everyone's gonna laugh at me because of my horrible way of pronouncing the "r" :yawn::yawn: and I feel like when I'm speaking english it's just like a soup of words, each time I speak in class I'm afraid no one (even the teacher) is going to understand... (well my classmates sometimes don't understand but I'm sorry thy are just too bad in english)

it's not even a French accent (well a little bit but not like the "cliché" one you know?? like american people make french actresses speak in the movies lol well I don't have that accent) it's something strange x)

I was thinking about having an exaggerated pronounciation every time, or at least when I speak alone (yes sometimes I speak to myself in English... I don't have anyone I can speak english to hahaha) bc I read it could help! What do you think?
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Réactions : Bookworm
24 Juin 2016
@_Lena I can just tell you that listening to English music, film or TV show can help you to improve your accent, just by the fact that when you'll want to say something, you'll say it the way you've heard it (in music, movies...). If it doesn't work, you may repeat words till you say it properly.
Cheers :cheer:

Thanks for your advice haha, but actually I already do that since I'm 12 :yawn: (American music + movies/series most of the time). I've been translating many, many songs from English to French and watching movies & series with French subtitles (now I don't like french subtitles anymore only english :cretin:). Maybe with the english subtitles it will be better, I didn't totally focused on english words with french subtitles since I just read them to understand and didn't try to be focused on people's talk. :happy:
I think I'm going to improve the english content I listen to, since I want a British accent soooooooooo bad it's so beautiful :jv:
And they kind of pronounce the letters much more than American people do so maybe it will be better!
24 Juin 2016
@Kaindaty I'd love to do that but for now I can't, I'll try to go to London next Summer, going to an English country is one of my dearest goals for the coming months!

@LNounette waw lucky you! Haha yes but I really hate it x)

@Astrobulle I live in the countryside, pretty far from the city, and I don't really have the time to go there often :'( but I didn't know this kind of events! It seems great! I'll have to try it!
Yes of course!
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Réactions : Querencia
27 Septembre 2016
Hey! Have you got any advices for me to improve my accent? Because I don't have a bad english at all but when I speak I feel like everyone's gonna laugh at me because of my horrible way of pronouncing the "r" :yawn::yawn: and I feel like when I'm speaking english it's just like a soup of words, each time I speak in class I'm afraid no one (even the teacher) is going to understand... (well my classmates sometimes don't understand but I'm sorry thy are just too bad in english)

it's not even a French accent (well a little bit but not like the "cliché" one you know?? like american people make french actresses speak in the movies lol well I don't have that accent) it's something strange x)

I was thinking about having an exaggerated pronounciation every time, or at least when I speak alone (yes sometimes I speak to myself in English... I don't have anyone I can speak english to hahaha) bc I read it could help! What do you think?
Hi! I just see me in your comment! :hello: Especially when I try to speak, I just feel everybody's going to laugh at me x) And I'm really unable to do the good "r" pronounciation! I would say it is between the "w" and the french "r" pronounciation. Very weird. :rire: The best advices I could give you to improve it: to watch series (American if you want a more american accent or English if a more english accent). It does work! :top: Or you could simply speak whenever you read something in English. I'm currently in my 3rd English degree year, and last year, one of my teachers told me that if you had some accent problem you must speak as if you were on stage. In fact, you really play an imitation role. You have to mimic English/American accent. I'm not saying it's easy, but in the end it may help you. I hope it will help you. See you.:paillettes:
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Réactions : _Lena
18 Septembre 2015
4 778
26 267
3 904
@Astrobulle Photographer (newborn/food/wedding) into an studio in town. It's a little bit different from my pictures style/touch, but in my city people love it... So, I think it's important for me to leaned the demand (i'm not sure for "demand" :hesite:).

So i'm stress, in same time enthusatic, in same time "i'm dead into me". :lunette:
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Réactions : Nescafette
9 Décembre 2014
2 503
4 814
@_Lena You could test to sing in English. It looks a stupid advice but in fact it could be help you. And if you are hesitating to pronounce a word, the website like Reverso could help you. you write the word and listening the pronunciation. If there is no english speaking people around you, it's the best solution I think.

(my first comment here! just discover this topic, thanks, it's a great idea!)
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Réactions : Petitpoisvert et _Lena

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