MadmoiZelle speaks English

24 Août 2014
3 024
@_Lena I totally agree with you!! It's a good way to train to speak English ;) I must admit that I don't have several occasions to speak English, unfortunately
  • Big up !
Réactions : _Lena
24 Juin 2016
@drou_drou Yes, me neither :sad: only watching series & movies in English but it's not as effective as regular conversations with an English speaker... Moreover English classes in my school are useless since it's not pushed as far as it should be (in my opinion) :stare:
24 Juin 2016
@drou_drou Yes, and songs too - I began learning English when I was 11 with Justin Bieber's hits, actually I learned a lot thanks to him :cretin:

I'm still in high school, in a Terminale S and you?
24 Août 2014
3 024
@_Lena Thanks to Justin Bieber, you began learning English ;) I don't know his songs very well except "Baby" ;)
I didn't learn English with him, but I learnt a few words of German with Tokyo Hotel, shame on me... ;)
I am in Master 2 (I don't know how to say ^^') in a Business School, and I am an apprentice :)
24 Juin 2016
@drou_drou Yes :3 Ah ok, well it's the most known but not the only one :P but I have to admit you probably have to be a young teenager to like his songs...

How did you learn English? :3
I tried to improve German with Rammstein but it never succeed really... :sad:

Ah ok :3 what do you want to do next?
11 Décembre 2013
1 174
6 988
4 174
The funny thing with music is when you've known this song for years and you "update" your knowledge of the lyrics each time you listen to it again after a break, because your English improved and you understand it a little better. I loved Linkin Park in middle school - like many middle schoolers - and even if I'm not much of a fan anymore I still listen to some of their songs once in a while. And each time I did it I had that "...oh" moment when I realized the lyrics are actually pretty far from what I thought they were :rire:
24 Juin 2016
Justin Bieber, Tokio Hotel how great is your discussion :d Glad to meet youu
I used to listen over and over some Justin's song you especially "Baby", younger :rire:

Oh my God Baby :rire:
Music is a great way to improve your English or any other foreign language.

The Spice Girls have had a great impact on my childhood and my decision to become an English teacher :cretin:
As a kid I would read the lyrics and sing, I didn't understand everything but I guess it helped me a lot when I started English classes at primary school, because I was already used to the English accent...

Yes it is. I didn't really improve my accent with them, but I learned a considerable number of words (well sometimes not that proper ones but still)
I think that a great way to improve the accent remains in listening and watching series and movies!
But of course the best way of speaking English is going to an england country as we said... :sad:

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