MadmoiZelle speaks English

7 Juillet 2015
4 046
@Alexandra David-Néel You might be right, I have no idea. But since you live there you should be right about that. Or maybe it's juste the way people you know are use to speak?:hesite: I really have no clue. :cretin: The vocabulary differences I know between the countries are only the results of the TV Shows and interviews I've seen. Soooo... I'm not exactly the most acurate person for this kind of conversation. :cretin:

Otherwise,I think you wanted to say "I haven't heard "everyone"" and not "I haven't sound "everyone" "unless it is an irish expression I don't know. :cretin: :ninja:
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Réactions : Alexandra David-Néel
18 Septembre 2015
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@Khopesh :yawn::yawn::yawn: Yes, it's possible "heard" as better as "sound". My english is very low :red:. I'm living in Irlande but I had worked with french people (it's not a choice).. But now, I need to speak in english and it's very strong for me ! And the irish accent don't help me :cretin:
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But now, I need to speak in english and it's very strong for me ! And the irish accent don't help me

Strong would be a synonym for tough, like "fort", "puissant". Here you mean "hard" or "difficult", "complicated" :) And don't forget the s when you use the third singular person, so that would be "doesn't" instead of "don't" :)
7 Juillet 2015
4 046
@Alexandra David-Néel Awwwwww, the irish accent! It's a tough one! But be brave, with time you're gonna get use to it. :supermad: Maybe you could try to ask to the people who work with you to talk english with you from time to time?

If you want some tips to know when you can use "sound" or "heard" here are some:

Sound can be used as a name : "a sound"= "un son" or as a verb "to sound" which refers to the way you heard something or interprete something you've heard as in "It sounds like she didin't want to come" which in this case refers to the way she talked that tells you she doesn't want to go there, for example. Or as in "Sounds difficult." If someone describes you a hard proscess while you're talking. It also can be use to describe a sound, for example: "it sounds like a cat hissing" "on aurait dit un chat qui feule" , "He sounds happy" "Il avait l'air content" here you talk about the sound and the intonations of his voice...

"To hear something" is used to talk about something you heard precisely. You know what you've heard and there's no interpretation on it, you're gonna transpose it exactly. For exemple: "I've heard a cat outside" you know for sure it's a cat, or "I've heard Sam talking to Lidya he said he was going to the supermarket".

I hope it's clearer.
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Réactions : Lapinette
7 Juillet 2015
4 046
@elisabellissima Oh well! I think it's the very place to do so! :cretin: Feel free to correct everyone. :yawn:

@Supervanwho Okay, I didn't know if you were talking about your english or the simple fact that you have literally nothing to do. :ninja:

To improve your level you might want to use some websites like duolingo . This one test your level and propose you some lessons with test to see if you understood and learned them. It use a level system where you have to master each lesson to acess the secon level a bit tougher each time. It worked your understanding, listenting, writing.

There's also this website which is a bit more academic.

If you like music and want to learn by playing, there si lyricstraining which will train your listening and writing. You choose a music video you like and your level then you have to compelte the lyrics with what you heard. Unfortunatly it won't give you any definiton. But if you have the words there's word reference to understand what they mean (but i don't think I teach you a damn thing right know :cretin:).

In the same kind of website there's lyricsgaps This one have more mode to use like: karaoke or quizz and provides defintions, but there's less video you can play with.

To boost your understanding you might like this site . You choose your level, then a video , you watch it and you have a quizz to answer.

If you're fond of TVshows I think you might like fleex You have to sign up then you choose the subtitles you want: english or french, with the possibility to get definiton by clicking on the words and set a vocabulary personnal list. This one will only improve your understanding and listening.

There is this webserie created by BBC to help people to improve their listening level (with subtitles in annotations). Personnaly I can't stand it but you might appreciate it.

Otherwise there is the old tactics: take a movie or a TV Show you love and know by heart and put it in english subtiled in engish, then try to match the dialogue you know in french with what you read and listen.
Or try to read simple book in english.

You can also write here. :)

I hope you'll find something in all this that can help you.

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