MadmoiZelle speaks English

3 Juin 2016
2 904
@younicorn welcome ! :paillettes: ( ps : litterature, german, interesting ;) )
Translating is such an hard job (I'm doing the translating work in my TPE group, and this is really time consumming ... ) I feel so much respect for translaters, they're actually doing a job I couldn't stand to work in:yawn: ( even though I prefer reading english written books in.., english . This way I can imprive my english as well as "understanding" better the author's writing. However a good translator can enhance a not-so-good author's qualities )

@Ephectite omg I lost it when I saw your TPE subject, this is just so funny :yawn:. Whoever thought of this is a freaking genius !
I kind of understand your teacher for not letting you choose the soecial effects subject if by special effects you meant the "drawings" added in films ( like in Harry Potter w/ the goblins or magic rays .., ). This just my point if view ( another teacher could have liked the idea) but I think you wouldn't have had enough material to work on :fleur:

Has anyone been to a foreign country for an exchange ?
  • Big up !
Réactions : Bruxa
19 Décembre 2016
Hey again. I'm back.

Actually I'm reading a book of Paul Ekman, the subject are the micro-expressions of the liar. Really cool book.

Also I will take a beer ( well tbh i will just take a lemonade) with a cool australian guy I met at the workout. room. It will be a good occasion to practise my english !

Also i've been doing cool things last week in general ! And you what's up ?

@younicorn welcome ! :paillettes: ( ps : litterature, german, interesting ;) )
Translating is such an hard job (I'm doing the translating work in my TPE group, and this is really time consumming ... ) I feel so much respect for translaters, they're actually doing a job I couldn't stand to work in:yawn: ( even though I prefer reading english written books in.., english . This way I can imprive my english as well as "understanding" better the author's writing. However a good translator can enhance a not-so-good author's qualities )

@Ephectite omg I lost it when I saw your TPE subject, this is just so funny :yawn:. Whoever thought of this is a freaking genius !
I kind of understand your teacher for not letting you choose the soecial effects subject if by special effects you meant the "drawings" added in films ( like in Harry Potter w/ the goblins or magic rays .., ). This just my point if view ( another teacher could have liked the idea) but I think you wouldn't have had enough material to work on :fleur:

Has anyone been to a foreign country for an exchange ?

Nope. But I clearly want to go in Romania ! (also i travelled during scolar stuff in Italy)
19 Décembre 2016
@Chacotte Yeah it's was kind of a joke between us at the beginning like " if we can do nothing there's still nappies:yawn:" and here we are!:v: I hope it's still going to be interesting and pretty serious! And by special effects I meant fake blood and thing like that because you are right computer generated images would be a very difficult subject to deal with.

I kind of had! I was in 3eme and we had an exchange with finish students (from Finland!!) they came in France for a week and then we went to Helsinki for a week. The thing is that my penfriend (the girl I was "connected" to) was very shy and didn't talk English that much :sweatdrop:. But it remains a very good experience! What about you? Are you having an school exchange?

Never heard about it but it seems very cool ,indeed!

It looks like a very nice way to practice English! I hope that it's going to be fun and that you will enjoy your (date?) lemonade!:taquin:

Oh, this is not a date, purely friendly.
Also was Finland that beautiful ?
3 Juin 2016
2 904
@younicorn have fun during your exchange ! And tell us about it once you're back, Finland seems to be cool :top: how a long will you be staying there ?
@Ephectite Oh so by special effects you meant fake blood and other substitutes ? Could have been quite interesting, I'm sorry for you your teacher wouldn't let you do it ... Nappies are interesting, don't worry about it :)
How was your exchange in Finland ? Did you enjoy it ?
I did an exchange last year, I went to Seattle and studied there for 6 weeks with my exchange student :happy:
3 Juin 2016
2 904
@Khyra Welcome !:paillettes:
@younicorn One week is not that short, plus if you like the country you could maybe ask your parents to spend your holidays there ? (Of course it won't be the same if you're with your parents but it might be cool as well :)) . You're right, going to Seattle was indeed an incredible experience that I still benefit from ( except the 5kg I gained during my stay, bless you the american food :yawn: )( I've managed to loose the weight I had gained though)

@Ephectite Northern Europ inhabitants' way of life are sooooo different from ours it's almost frightening :cretin: I went to Amsterdam ( during the Europride, a gay pride) where I saw only a few security guards ( and most of them were taking selfies with drag queens during the Europride:unicorn:)
Seattle is a huge city since it is Washington's capital : I lived in the suburbs but I got to visit downtown Seattle several times and from what I recall, I can tell you it looks like any american city you'd imagine . Lots of buildings ( with a lot built in the 70s, made of concrete) that are huge, lots of enormous shops ( the local Auchan is nothing compared to their "big" stores, I almost got lost when going shopping with some friends :yawn:). Seattle is on the East Coast, and the weather was like Britanny's ( no offense, I come from Britanny myself:taquin:) . If you want more details I'd be happy to tell you evrything I know ( but this might take some time ...)
10 Juillet 2016
1 763
3 074
Yeah sure @Chacotte , there was an exchange to Philadelphia in m'y highschool but it's very expansive (so parents couldn't afford it) and thé place was very limited!

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