MadmoiZelle speaks English

3 Juillet 2013
1 224
@DatPotato It should be not complicated, there are so many French people in London ! I was over here 10 days for the new year (what a such disappointment the fireworks this year) and I hear every 100 meters speak French...
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Réactions : DatPotato
20 Janvier 2012
2 924
@Kaindaty Yeah but they're mostly tourists :hesite: So it ain't that fun really, but I love helping lost French tourists, they're really cute, and nice. Though I am looking for a bar or pub for the two election nights coming up, just to watch the results.

@Selinde Yup been living in the South, Lestah, and now I'm down in London :nod: It's way too expensive, but pretty sweet. And cheers for the info!
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Réactions : Selinde
19 Juillet 2015
Hi everyone!
I just got accepted in Birkbeck University in London :happy:
I was wondering if anyone had advices about moving to London? Flatshare or university lodgings? Is London managable by bike (I thought about that so I wouldn't pay a super expensive Oyster card)? How to open a bank account and transfer money on it for minor fees (or for free)? Do you have anecdotes that you'd like to share about living in London? :happy:
Thanks a lot for your insights! :puppyeyes:
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Réactions : younicorn
3 Juillet 2013
1 224
Congrat! Well, I've been to London only as a tourist so I can't really advice you, just I lived in Scotland and opened a bank account in Halifax and it was really quick, easy and free, they only ask for my ID and phone number.
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Réactions : RadioLu
19 Juillet 2015
@Kaindaty & @LNounette thanks a bunch for your answers :fleur:
Even if you're not in London, do you have any advices regarding the small hacks of everyday life that help save money? (I know of the Meal Deals at Tesco for example) :happy:

Oh, and I will also be searching for a job there! I'm in the film industry and am an aspiring director and screenwriter. If any Madz here is looking for an intern/assistant/handygirl, let me know! :puppyeyes:
20 Janvier 2012
2 924
@RadioLu You'll have to go for a houseshare or flatshare as a student, the more central you go, the more expensive it's gonna get. And regarding the oyster card, you do pay smaller fees if you are a student in London so you should probably have a look at that, because trying to avoid the Tube is impossible; it's convenient and fast (but expensive I know). I'm in Canary Wharf so it's an easy commute (though I wouldn't do it by bike) but from farther away, it can be quite a pain.
But student halls are an absolute rip off, just don't go there it's crazy expensive.

Regarding small hacks, I always do my food shopping online and get my groceries delivered; it's easier to manage my budget, and I can shop the offers real easy. Also as a student, create a Unidays/Student Beans account and perhaps try and buy a NUS card, it'll get you many discounts that can be helpful.
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Réactions : RadioLu
20 Janvier 2012
2 924
@RadioLu Unidays and Student beans are websites that give student discounts, you register with your student email address. The NUS card is a card you buy at uni in England (i have one) and it gives you some student discounts as well.
Dernière édition :
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Réactions : RadioLu

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