Seems like this topic could use a little more activity !
I am a newcomer on Madmoizelle and I look forward to speaking with you,
@Kaindaty if you are still interested
Maybe that a short presentation would help, I already introduced me in French
here but an English one won't do any harm.
I am 18, I am about to enter my second year of CPGE (my English teacher said there were no equivalent in the Anglo-Saxon system). Basically it is two years during which I study mainly maths and physics but I also have compulsory classes of philosophy, English, chemistry, IT and maybe sport. During these two years I am preparing competitive exams (=
concours) to enroll in an engineering School.
My studies take away a lot of my time but I hope it'll get better when I'll be in engineering School. In fact I'm not as dedicated as I should and a search for something work-related often ends up on madmoizelle
I hope that from now on I'll end up on madmoizelle practising my English