MadmoiZelle speaks English

15 Juin 2009
1 589
SO awesomeeeee english, english. (L)
I don't know what you guys are talking about but ok.
I'm just happy to know that there's a english space for USSS
toy 'r' USSSS yeaaa -_-
30 Octobre 2009
1 554
Hello, I love english too. And I traveled only in this foreign country but it is just the begin of my life, you probably know what I mean?
I went in Liverpool, last Summer! My favourite place is the "Beatles Museum" because you have the feeling to be in old days! (scene of bars - a café!) and the more important is that you can listen to rock of the 60's and understand easily why the teenage girls were mad of "these four boys" at that time.
I would like to chat with you more often when I would have time!
I have to leave you know! Bye-Bye!
30 Juin 2006
3 744
what a good idea!
but at this moment i'm too sick to speak english very well.

i think it's really a bad day, but tomorow's becoming!
12 Mai 2008
4 884
I have an English test on monday. That's why I'm reading The Time magazine articles right now. I've noticed one thing, english-speaking journalists use a much more simple language than their french counterparts. One doesn't need to be a perfectly fluent english speaker to understand the article or at least the general idea of the columnist.
Sometimes, I can't help thinking what it would be if one of these articles would have been written in french...
21 Août 2007
4 729
I learned english by myself (thanks to the tvshows!) and i just love it! I could speak english all day (i even dream in english), unfortunately my family and most of my friends don't understand it! i'm thinking about going in NY for a year or more.

by the way i was wondering, do you speak "english english" or "american english"?
9 Mars 2008
25 660
13 679
9 184
myheadisintheclouds;1285071 a dit :
by the way i was wondering, do you speak "english english" or "american english"?

I have a terrible English accent, but when I try, I try to have a British accent, because the US accent is chewing-gum to me.

After, my vocabulary is more the British vocabulary learned in school, mixed with American words from TV shows.
20 Octobre 2007
2 909
Hi girls !
I just post on the topic "MadmoiZelle habla español" so it's difficult to switch to one language to another. I love these topics i'ts a very good idea because I don't have opportunities to speak English apart from school.
I'd love to go one year in England to improve my english. I went there twice whith my parents and I very enjoy it ! My father live 5 or 6 years in England when he was young, he's fluent but we never speak English at home. I understand better than I write (I'm not sure my sentence is right ? Well, I'm not sure ALL my post is correctly writen :XD: )
31 Août 2008
9 289
19 383
6 054
I can't wait until i am back in Dublin. It takes so long. Tic-Tac Tic-Tac.

I'am wondering, what if i did an internship in ireland next year? I know i'll be unpaid there but... I really enjoyed to work abroad last year and it could be a good way to get a little more experience.

The point is : i do not know any big irish company to work with. Just american companies. It would be fine too. But i'd rather learn how is the irish way of management.

It sounds like a big dream for now ^^ It seems to be so much more difficult than to find a little summer job!

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