MadmoiZelle speaks English

31 Août 2008
9 289
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6 054
Sedgewick;1288123 a dit :
You are so lucky! I fell in love with Ireland the last time I went there, the atmosphere is so special...

Eleen;1288183 a dit :
You're SO lucky, I've always dream to go to Ireland ! I hope you'll enjoy it :)

Actually, i go to Ireland once a month (that's an average) so, yes, sure, i will enjoy it! I can assure you! :)
31 Août 2008
9 289
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6 054
Maelie;1289094 a dit :
Girls, I feel soooooo upset, I'm really sad... I got in touch with my former english teacher today. She received a feedback from the school where I was an assistant in 2008-2009. And it is sooooo bad... I don't understand ! I really don't.

My mentor teacher wrote that I was no use during 8 months, that I had a bad french pronunciation (is that a joke ?!) and I apparently didn't teach anything to my year 12 and 13... Well, I'm delighted. I wrote pages and pages about french informations, education system, I gave pupils links to read, listen to french, I made them sing, watch TV...
Ok, maybe I was not prepared to teach, but if I did wrong for that long, why didn't she told me before ?
I'm really upset...

I find it so hypocrite.

But, the most important thing is that your pupils were happy to be with you, isn't it? :fleur:
21 Septembre 2008
2 322
4 984
yesterday, I spent the whole day translating from french and arabic to english? it was crazy! but I'm really happy that I made it :)
30 Août 2008
2 374
OMG, i'm shocked about your story Maelie.. How can she be such a bitch ?! And 2 years after !!!
But why did she say that that late ?
And I'm sure your lessons were cool. I mean, the best way to learn a language is to learn it with a person from the country concerned. I had a French lesson in Ireland and the teacher had a really bad accent and all her 15-years-old-pupils knew was "Bonjour, je m'eupèle Caoimhe, common ça va ?" like...
You were not there to teach them English pronounciation ! So why does she criticize your accent ?! This is just unbelievable...
1 Janvier 2009
14 953
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8 524
I love my sister : she just came into my room, unusually shy, and asked if all of the english words ending with "ife" changed to "ives" for the plural. Surprised, I asked her about that strange question, and she told me that my daddy just received 5kg of organic dates in an english package on which was written "No preservatives". As she has a poor english, she didn't realize that the english word for "préservatif" was "condom", and I just can't imagine what passed through her mind when she read that ! :yawn:
30 Août 2008
2 374
Girls, don't stop speaking English ^^

What is the last film you have seen in English ?
I have seen Sunshine Cleaning few weeks ago, a cute film ! I like this kind of stories, when it describes the lives of "normal" persons. American producers like to make us think that America is only glitter, money and beauty !
13 Juin 2007
4 333
2 362
5 184
suspensi0n;1298172 a dit :
Girls, don't stop speaking English ^^

What is the last film you have seen in English ?
I have seen Sunshine Cleaning few weeks ago, a cute film ! I like this kind of stories, when it describes the lives of "normal" persons. American producers like to make us think that America is only glitter, money and beauty !

I saw this movie on the plane . I was coming back from australia . I also liked it even though i didn't get the aim of that story ...
The was film i saw was " Away we go" . It was really nice. A beautiful way to say " FAMILY IS FUCKING IMPORTANT !!"
1 Janvier 2009
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I have seen Green Street Hooligans, with Elijah Wood (who still scares me to death) and Charlie Hunnam (I want to marry him !). That's a good film, but it takes place in East London : mind the cockney accent and the slang ! :knockout:
15 Septembre 2009
7 774
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yousrah;1298692 a dit :
i have never watched a film in english.but i use to watch "the hills" and even i don't understand every word saying ,i realise i improve my english with it. it is easier for me to listen to english than it was a couple of months ago .

I think watching films or series in English really helps improving the language. If you need subtitles, try not to look at french subtitles but play them in english!
15 Septembre 2009
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5 894
Winter River;1300785 a dit :
Ahah, it happens to me all the time. I have quite a reputation now... I probably should have kept my mouth shut! But some people find it funny and follow the lead, sometimes in spanish or german. Makes great conversations, I love it.

It reminds me that I use to speak English when I drink too much... that makes my friends laugh, even if they don't understand a word I say in that case :P


Hi girls ! I love to speak in english. But i'm a little hung-up with my accent when i read (when i speak it's ok). Does anyone have any advice to improve my accent ?

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