MadmoiZelle speaks English

9 Août 2008
2 109
1 096
1 854
I think you have to explain what interests you the most about world's actuality. It is propably made to see if you feel concerned about what happends in the world, and if you have some culture.
30 Août 2008
2 374
May';1277037 a dit :
Hiii !
Next year, i'm going to Australia during 6 months (yeaaaah) and so, i have a lot of papers to fill (Is it this word for say "remplir" ?) in french and in english. There is a lot of questions about me, my ideas if life, my career goals, ... and there is one question I don't really understand. They say "What national or internationals affairs, if any, interest you ?" Can you say to me how you understand this question because I don't know what i have to write ?

(Sorry if there are mistakes :shifty:)

Oh God, I hate that kind of questions. Even in French I wouldn't be able to be sure to understand it...
But, I'd say that they're asking you if you're interested by politics, economics... For example, if you have to read newspapers, what kind of article would interest you the most.
But I'm not sure...
9 Août 2008
2 109
1 096
1 854
Hey ! I'm good, I don't have any lessons this afternoon, so I'll be able to do my homework (and I've got quite a lot), relax, and I hope I will have time to watch a movie. What about you ?
30 Août 2008
2 374
Tangerine;1279186 a dit :
Well I don't really know how it works, but i thought the marking for the TOEFL would be very tough, and I just got my results: I got 105/120 whe Auckland asked for 80/120. So I guess that IELTS is almost the same. Anyway, good luck for the exam! :fleur:

Was it hard ? I need to get at least 92/120 to the TOEFL and I want to do it in december. I have a book that explains every kind of questions and how I'm supposed to answer. I did a fake toefl test and I got like 92% to the reading, but I was too tired to really try to do the others, so I didn't focused on the audio extracts.. But, i mean, at home i might be different from the day of the exam... Can you tell me how it was please :) ?

30 Août 2008
2 374
Tangerine;1279592 a dit :
Well, it's not that hard. It's just that it's very long (4h in front of a computer if you choose the TOEFL IBT) and you need to be concentrated all the exam long.
You start with the reading, 3 or 4 extracts + about 15 questions for each excerpt.
Then you do the listening: 2 or 3 parts, 2 lectures and 1 conversation for each part.
Then you have a 10-minute break.
And you go on with the speaking (found that was the hardest part): first you have a general question (had "between teacher and doctor, what is the most important job in life?"), you have 15 seconds to think about it and 45 seconds to answer. Then you have another question (can't remember the type :/ ), same time to prepare/answer; then you read a passage and listen to a lecture on the same topic, 30 seconds to prepare/60 to answer, then you read a passage and listen to a conversation, ditto for the time; you listen to a lecture, you have 30 seconds to prepare/60 to speak, and finally you listen to a conversation, ditto for the time.
To finish, the writing. You listen to a lecture and you read a passage on the same topic, generally their opinions are opposed, you have to say in what manner they are contrasted (20 minutes to prepare and write). And then you have a general question (had "some people think it's a good idea to eat regularly with their family. what do you think?) and you have 30 minutes to prepare and write.

The reading is quite tricky because in some questions you have to be very precise: some propositions to the question are very similar and if you don't get the difference between the two, you can be wrong. And also, when you start your reading, some other participants might still be adjusting their microphone and be speaking when you're desperately trying to concentrate on your text! lol. The listening is difficult because you can have a passage like economics or butterfly metamorphosis (lol, had that one!) and if you don't know the vocab, that can be hard. The speaking is hard because you have to think very quickly. 15 seconds is very short so most of the time when I started speaking I was mumbling! lol And the writing is ok, except when you don't "like" the topic and cant' find any good argument... :/

And to prepare myself, I did the free online practice you have once you register for the exam (on the ETS website), borrowed some books from the university library and did all the mock exams in them, and I also bought another official practice on the ETS website. That's quite expensive (about 40 euros i think), but it helped me because you have an evaluation of what mark you could get for the real test (had 107 for the mock and 105 for the real).

Anyway, if you have any other question, just ask! ;)

Thank you for the "recap" of the test :) The speaking scares me ! I 15s is very short to organize our thoughts... Did you apply to the test a long time before doing it ? I want to do it in december, I'm registered on the website but I haven't chosen any date yet.
28 Mars 2006
3 689
Le Havre
Well, I'd really love to speak english as good as I used to...

I've been studying anglistics (in France we call it "LLCE anglais") for one year and, to be really honest, it was the best year in my whole life. I never forgotten this happy year and that's the main reason why I'm so nostalgic.

Now I study german, I only got 2 hours for my english courses. It's only about translation, we don' learn anything so I mostly get bored and draw some stuff. So I forgot a lot about english and its grammar/literature, my english was way better 3 years ago.

I'd have a plenty of questions but I'll just ask one: Tangerine, were you in England as Erasmus or "assistante"?

Gotta go now, I really don't want to and I'm afraid... yep, today isnt a holiday where I'm living at the moment, so, go to the uni...

(I know there're a lot of mistakes in my text but I totally forgot about the tense/verbs, I hated my linguistic grammar courses.. my english sucks)
15 Septembre 2009
7 774
6 317
5 894
Your plans are so tempting Tangerine, I wish I could travel that much. I plan to spend a year in Ireland or another English speaking country for my third year of studies, I can't wait!
(I hope my English isn't too bad each time I write here...)
22 Avril 2008
1 536
2 374
yousrah;1282068 a dit :
i am so glad to find out this topic. i am going to improve my english. girls i hope you will help me.:smile:

ya why not ? I am so happy to see girls practice English as well because at school.. I was the only, The other were not lovers of the english' language.. but every day I come here and I read every comments to learn new words or espressions because during the studies that I do there is no english. fisnished. yeah it's cruel... now welcome to my life mathematics... :errf:


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