MadmoiZelle speaks English

30 Août 2008
2 374
fjäril;1273195 a dit :
hey girls, do you know any website (kind of english version ?

Actually, I created this topic because I couldn't find any website like this one. But I didn't look for it a lot... Maybe there is a "Glamour UK" Forum. Don't know...


One of my English teacher was also a genius. I was ... some kind of in love with him, and he made me love this language and the anglo-saxon culture truly and deeply.
9 Août 2008
2 109
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1 854
I also had a great teacher (and I still have him), but in History. But as I'm doing a European section, he teaches us in english, and I really love his lessons, they're lively, funny ... Last year, he made us realise a short movie (he is fond of cinema, and teaches that subject too), with the scenario we wanted (as long as it was linked with the Seconde's programm). You may have guessed the the story was completely crazy, but it was such a good experience ! This year, we all choosed different options, so we are not all in the same class, but we are still together for History lessons. During one of them, we watched the making-of of this movie, we were all almost crying - and the teacher too. (but we haven't finished the movie yet, the sound has to be done). He told us that he has never been that happy to meet again a class. And I think it is the same for me, he is the best teacher I have ever had.
1 Janvier 2009
14 953
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8 524
Gosh, I'm jealous ! I never had any good english teacher : the first one was a depressive middle age woman who was listening Mozart while she was teaching, then I got an old witch (and bitch) crossed with a mummy, followed by a veeeery sloooow minding African teacher with a impossible accent and a poor english, and the last one was staring at birds for minutes at every single lesson (at least I'm now able to identify the magpie song !)... and I'm actually kind to them ! :rolleyes:

Please correct my mistakes ! :shifty:
20 Janvier 2007
2 869
No teacher could have disgusted me of this language, ever, no matter how bad! But I feel for some of my friends who had terrible teachers to begin with and who have had a hard time catching up afterwards.
But I must say one of them did make a difference for me. I met her in seconde, I was in depression and thought of myself as profoundly stupid and devoid of talent. One day we had an short story to write and I swear, when she gave us back our copies, I almost broke up in tears reading her comments. No one had ever made me such compliments and I knew she really meant it, and I gave credit to what she said. I still read it when I feel like crap.
15 Septembre 2009
7 774
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It reminds me that my English teacher last year (in terminale) had a pityful english. His accent was terrible, he pronounced everything like french words. According to him, I was brilliant aha!
That's a luck that I like to speak English and that I studied it alone, because I wouldn't have had 18 at the A-level thanks to him...

Ancien membre

When I was in High School my english teacher was amazing very friendly!I loved her!
Today I have a new teacher...she's unpleasant and depressing,stare:​


Sedgewick;1273630 a dit :
We watched HIMYM last tuesday in English class :d Yes I know my teacher is really cool, it made me want to watch it from the 1st season :)
OH you are so lucky!how i met your mother it's very great if you want progress in english,and it's more funny in english.
6 Décembre 2005
6 101
4 224
You're so lucky. My English teachers weren't very great. Lessons were always boring. But this year, i have begun Business English, and i love it.
17 Avril 2009
4 794
Good evening Ladies ! :d
I do not speak English very easily even if I have good marks at school. That's make me think that the standard at secondary school is not very high. I want to add that I'm a little bit anxious to talk on this subject, i'm afraid to make too many mistakes. Can you correct me if that I say is wrong ?
23 Octobre 2009
1 554
Sood;1276765 a dit :
Good evening Ladies ! :d
I do not speak English very easily even if I have good marks at school. That's make me think that the standard at secondary school is not very high. I want to add that I'm a little bit anxious to talk on this subject, i'm afraid to make too many mistakes. Can you correct me if that I say is wrong ?
Hey, that's not too bad :) You have made just one mistake: "that's make". I guess you wanted to say "that makeS"? x)
I've been learning English for quite a long time now: I started when I was 8 (and I'm 19 now). Now I'm at university and still learning English, and I can't wait for next year when I'll go to Britain for my Erasmus year (maybe in Edinburgh or Cardiff, quite hard to choose, really...)!!

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