MadmoiZelle speaks English

5 Septembre 2009
1 569
Hey girls! I've just discovered this topic. =)
And I think it's a so great idea!! IIn fact, KittyKiller, when I was in Beijin, I was in front of a restaurant and a guy talked to me about the weather and he said exactly the same thing...
"Ha vous êtes française!!" He was french too. ^^
I thought I hadn't a big french accent!! Before this man... =/
Pain-away;1341828 a dit :
Hey girls! I've just discovered this topic. =)
And I think it's a so great idea!! IIn fact, KittyKiller, when I was in Beijin, I was in front of a restaurant and a guy talked to me about the weather and he said exactly the same thing...
"Ha vous êtes française!!" He was french too. ^^
I thought I hadn't a big french accent!! Before this man... =/

Same here! I went to beijing as well =) and i was talking to a british man, and then he told me
"are you a french speaking person?" and i was quite upset because I always thought you couldnt tell about my accent, in fact, even some english speaking friends have told me so before!
14 Janvier 2009
1 911
1 874
La Sauve
Yay, an English-speaking county in madmoiZelle's country! :d
Think I'm gonna love this topic.

Talking about our frenchy accent: you think it's ridiculous, and so do I. But my english friends always told me that it's pretty cute for a girl to have this french accent.
I think we can change that by living in several english-speaking countries, it may improve our accents... :)

BTW, I'm going to Swansea to see some friends and then in London with a friend. We're try CouchSurfing. Does anybody here has tried it before?

Oh, and Kimbap: I have a really bad french accent too ... but nothing is more ridiculous than hearing me talking in english, trying to be understandable with my non-correct sentences and pronunciation.... :)
29 Janvier 2010
1 634
Hi Girls !
I'd love to use Couch Surfing all around the world... *dreaming*
So.. how are you ?
I spent one of my worse day ever... :/ It was.. horrible. Fortunately, I'm going to restaurant tonight with some of my friends. It could help to make me smile.
22 Octobre 2006
4 804
My teacher of English civilisation has lived in France for 10 years, married to a french woman, etc., and he still has a British accent. He pronounces "R" but you hear that he is actually British. But he speaks French very well.
As for my teacher of Spanish civilisation, you hear that she is French, she has an horrible, awful ... accent. I think, I wish I had a better accent than her !!! When she is speaking I always think it is a joke and she is doing that on purpose !!!
1 Janvier 2009
14 953
8 475
8 524
Once again : I love my sister.
She just asks me to read one of her homework, in english, in which she speaks about Queen Victoria's lifetime as "Queen Victoria's period". I am not sure I should correct her... :yawn:
1 Janvier 2009
14 953
8 475
8 524
Hey ladies, have you seen Le petit journal people ? My dear Yann (:heartbeat:) showed a video of our President with Hillary Clinton, he was waving at the sky saying "Sorry for the time"... but he meant "weather", of course ! :yawn:
23 Janvier 2008
2 274
Yana;1366509 a dit :
Hey ladies, have you seen Le petit journal people ? My dear Yann (:heartbeat:) showed a video of our President with Hillary Clinton, he was waving at the sky saying "Sorry for the time"... but he meant "weather", of course ! :yawn:

Yeah I've just seen it !! I think that the word SHAME isn't inappropriate here ^^'
14 Janvier 2009
1 911
1 874
La Sauve
Well ... I have to wait a moment before travelling in UK ... because ... I'm about to study in Canada!!! A dream comes true, and I'm feeling soooo good ....
Just have to wait an answer ... *cross the fingers*

@Ola-Ola: I think you can use the word "diner" ...

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