MadmoiZelle speaks English

27 Juillet 2007
5 272
3 424
KittyKiller;1402248 a dit :
I should speak to myself in English, I speak to myself a lot, that would be a good training.
This is what I do (: It wasn't on purpose at first but then I realized it was really improving my English.
30 Août 2008
2 374
KittyKiller;1402248 a dit :
I should speak to myself in English, I speak to myself a lot, that would be a good training.

I do that ! And really, it's one of the best way to train.. I try to have a good accent so I repeat some words a few times until it sounds good. But, then, when I speak to actual english speakers, I find my accent "less" good than when I speak to myself... It's weird...maybe because I have less time to think about the pronounciation. Anyway, speak to yourself in English :)

20 Octobre 2007
2 909
suspensi0n;1402364 a dit :
I do that ! And really, it's one of the best way to train.. I try to have a good accent so I repeat some words a few times until it sounds good. But, then, when I speak to actual english speakers, I find my accent "less" good than when I speak to myself... It's weird...maybe because I have less time to think about the pronounciation. Anyway, speak to yourself in English :)
I do that too !!
22 Avril 2009
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suspensi0n;1400674 a dit :
"I just don't get these people saying they love travelling so much, but they stick to their own culture."

I don't get that neither... Nowadays, when people travel to other countries, they eat at McDonalds, and they just visit touristic places because they don't want to go and discover a new culture.

Same for me i don't understand why people still go to fast food instead of eating local cooking. Personally i love eating in lillte restaurant or snack which represent (for me) the best 'cause you don't have all tourists around you and special tourist things. You're into the culture, customs and that's great and you can learn some stories about some meals lol

KittyKiller;1402248 a dit :
I spent quite some time with a New Yorker this week end (a friend's friend, not a newspaper). And, yes, I have to admit, I've totally lost my accent; but honestly it doesn't sadden me that much. I mean a French accent is cute after all, I used to be so focused on achieving a perfect British accent, now I really couldn't care less. Well, that's not 100% true. I try my best to have a rigorous accent on some words but I like slipping a loosely pronounced word here and there, I heard it gives me charm, I could definitely use some. No, what really annoys me is that I also seem to have lost a non negligeable part of my vocabulary. I happen to stumble over words from time to time. Now that I really can't admit. Still I spend a good amount of time writing/reading English on the internet. I should speak to myself in English, I speak to myself a lot, that would be a good training.
I'm lucky to have a great US friend who i'm speaking with almost every weeks or at least months on the phone. But that's true it was hard on the beginning 'cause i was stressed to forget words, or to make some huge mistakes i wouldn't do in another time. I can practice my accent and understand why this expression than another.
But i'd like to practice more lol you know on skype with other friends or persons who'd like to improve his spoken english.


I can't wait to spend a year in an english-speaking country. I may go to England in 2011 or 2012, and then maybe ... to the US ?!

I really love England, each time I went there, I just felt like home. I don't know, I feel their culture corresponds to what I am..
23 Janvier 2008
2 274
Actually, I can understand that some people go to Macdo, Burger King, etc when they are abroad.

I mean, I know that when your are in another country the best thing to do is to discover a new culture, which include the food, but when life's expensive and when you really don't have enough money to eat several times in a restaurant where there is local food, you have to eat cheap food, that's mean fast food.

I think we can unhappily call that "the modern tourism" Ahah or maybe not .
30 Août 2008
2 374
melistars;1404597 a dit :
Actually, I can understand that some people go to Macdo, Burger King, etc when they are abroad.

I mean, I know that when your are in another country the best thing to do is to discover a new culture, which include the food, but when life's expensive and when you really don't have enough money to eat several times in a restaurant where there is local food, you have to eat cheap food, that's mean fast food.

I think we can unhappily call that "the modern tourism" Ahah or maybe not .

I think the biggest problem is not money. When you are in a foreign country, you know that you'll have to pay to eat, you can't just go to Tesco and buy pastas. I guess the biggest problem is "speed". I mean, when I am in a foreign country with my family, they don't want to spend ages looking for a restaurant. Plus, they are discouraged by the menu (because of the language). And, they don't want to be disappointed by the meal. So, they go to the fastest/safest be and we end up eating in Mcdo and Burger Kings....


Does anybody know what a "fly jawn" is ?
Because I heard this word in a song (Something bigger, something better by Amanda Blank) and I can't find the meaning...
31 Août 2008
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6 054
Ayden;1432266 a dit :
Does anybody know what a "fly jawn" is ?
Because I heard this word in a song (Something bigger, something better by Amanda Blank) and I can't find the meaning...

Here are some explanations!

I know a ?jawn? is a Philly term, so what exactly is a ?fly jawn??
Well in Philly, ?jawn? is anything. Like, ?Oh, could you pass me that jawn right there?? but men tend to use it as a girl. They have a thing where like ?She?s my main jawn,? like she?s my main girl, so I don?t know? I?m a fly jawn.


Thank you for the explanations, Wayzea.
I thought it was a word with a sexual connotation (We can feel that I'm sexually frustrated these days...).

Ancien membre

Orehn.;1433101 a dit :
It's been a long time since i haven't checked this topic. Nothing much going on over here, what a shame!

I just want to say, that, well, english has taken a huge part in my life, and it's pretty weird, sometimes i lose french words, and when i speak i almost say the english word, you know, that's just so embarassing, I once said "food" in a french sentence ahah. I also said "j'espère que je n'aurai jamais à dealer avec ces trucs", so I just felt so stupid in front of my friend, i just laughed nervously.
But i really can't help it... I'm reading way too much english on the internet, watching so many series and movies, sometimes i'm even thinking in english, so, i'm not so surprised i'm messing up with french...
But don't you ever feel like that too?
I've been looking for the word "involve" in french for like... 5 minutes when i was writing an essay at school on friday ahaha, i'm so lame! The worst part is that i didn't find it and i had to make another sentence... How could i forget the word "impliquer"? I mean, come onnn.

And about my accent, i think it's really really bad. I guess i'm more british sounding than american, but uhh, it's just lame and ridiculous as fuck. I could stick with a strong french accent, but i can't even do it! I can't wait till i travel to an english speaking country and speak some concrete with real people, IN REAL LIFE ahah.

So do I ! Sometimes I use english words because this is just how they come to me, then people think I do it on purpose in order to show them how well I speak english... But I just can't explain, I'm so surrounded by the english language just like you said : series, movies, internet, newspapers...
Anyway, even if this post is pretty useless, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who sometimes looks for a word in french for like 5 minutes...

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