MadmoiZelle speaks English



It reminds me that I used to have a slang dictionary my aunt brought us from Britain, in my bog. It has 2 sections, a French one, an English one, and the equivalents. I eventually knew it by heart lolz, could say the filthiest things in British or US English. :d I need to lay my hand on it again!


19 Mars 2010
1 154
Beautifully Broken;2038432 a dit :
Voilà la suite et fin de mon dialogue, il ne doit faire que 250 mots ! J'en ai fait 317 mais je ne vois pas trop quoi enlever ! Tant pis. Enfin bon, la fin donne ça :

- «We wanted to stay and fight, we escaped from death. Symes escaped from the battlefields but he died at sea. His fate is tragic. For us, "all's well that ends well", the war is over but Symes didn't deserve death, he fought like us, although he had cracked up in the end, he was a true fighter before his departure.» the third added.
- «Nobody deserves to die. Unfortunately, you never can predict anything : "Sufficient unto the day is the evil there of." » the second soldier replied.
- «I propose that each of us threw an object in the sea, as a tribute to Symes.» the narrator announced shyly.

Each of them threw an object and they made a minute's silence before leaving.

Vraiment merci beaucoup pour m'avoir corrigé tout au long du dialogue, c'est super gentil de votre part d'avoir pris le temps de chercher de meilleures tournures de phrases, tout ça !

Hop! :small: I probably missed some mistakes cause it's late... and as for the verb "to crack up" it means to have a nervous breakdown indeed but i think it's most common use is "you crack me up" as in "tu me fais mourir de rire".


Roo;2039517 a dit :
[- «We wanted to stay and fight (tu peux utiliser "struggle" aussi, pour la notion de combat pour la survie), we escaped (pas de from)death. Symes escaped from the battlefields but he died at sea. It's a tragic fate. As for us, "all's well that ends well", the war is over but Symes didn't deserve to die, he fought like us, although he collapsed in the end, he was a true fighter before he left.» the third added.
- «Nobody deserves to die. Unfortunately, you can never predict (tu as "foresee" aussi ;)) anything : "Sufficient unto the day is the evil there of." » the second soldier replied.
- «I suggest ("propose", c'est trop solennel) that each of us throw (subjonctif présent) an object to the sea, as a tribute to Symes.» the narrator shyly announced.

Each one of them threw an object and they observed a one-minute silence before leaving.

I took Roo's version, and corrected it as I felt. ;)


19 Mars 2010
1 154
Actually i checked and when you want to say that you escaped death meaning you escaped a tragical fate, something that was bound to happen, you can say "to escape from death".:shifty:

My students were so cute today, they asked me to teach them some tongue twisters like "les chaussettes de l'archiduchesse sont-elles sèches? archi-sèches!". Then they taught me some english ones. :stressed:
15 Août 2008
4 428
2 386
3 354
Lokelani.;2067180 a dit :
My little bees,

Comment diriez-vous "[...] cela perturberait l'équilibre des Etats-Unis" ?
Je trouve que balance sonne bizarre, et equilibrium je sais pas du tout si ça marche... Merci ! :)
En politique on dit "the balance of power" pour l'équilibre des forces, donc je pense que ça doit aussi être "balance" de manière plus générale
21 Février 2007
1 243
3 224
It's the opposite for many students in my school, I live in Alsace and a lot of people have the Alsatian accent so they sound German when they read English...
21 Février 2007
1 243
3 224
Same for me, my accent could be worse but I still sound French... But I have to admit I'm quite proud of it, I think that the French accent is one of the prettiest ones... I would for example hate having a German accent !
1 Novembre 2005
4 369
4 901
5 194
Jehn.;2076303 a dit :
I used to feel the same way about mine... before a bunch of people (among whom a few really really cute guys) told me how adorable it was. Not ashamed of my accent anymore !
I'm quite comfortable with my accent when I speak with anglophones actually. The thing is, I spend my days with French people who have flawless accents and are obviously not impressed by the whole cute Frenchie thing haha!


Raconteuse de salades.
7 Février 2011
4 714
I was ashamed of my accent for a long time because all my Polish friends were teasing me about my accent.
But then I spoke with a British friend (well, actually he is Irish, but lives in Oxford) and he told me that I had a nice accent. Just a little bit "nordic", like people from Norway or Sweden.

And I have been very proud because people from these countries speak very good English :)
But it lasted only a few days. Now I am ashamed again when I hear me speaking English :sad:

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